
How Becky Used Fitness to Triumph Over Insecurity, Obesity, Divorce, and Injury

How Becky Used Fitness to Triumph Over Insecurity, Obesity, Divorce, and Injury


Today we’re thrilled to be joined by Becky Hernandez. Becky is a co-captain at Too Legit Fitness, on the executive board of the Taji-100. She has run over 100 races in her life, including over 60 half marathons, 30 full marathons, and 5 Ultras. She is a certified Les Mills exercise instructor and a 3-time Boston Marathon qualifier.

In this episode, we talk about how finding group fitness at the YMCA led to Becky’s incredible 65lb weight loss journey. How signing up for her first half marathon, forced her to step out of her comfort zone and discover a whole new world of fitness. How fitness has helped her through difficult times, including her divorce. And how a single mother of two finds the time to be fit. Plus we get into some hilarious stories that all runners can relate to. If you catch one thing from this episode - listen to those stories!

Chicago Marathon - Bertrand and Becky Chicago Marathon2 Chicago Marathon Food Deep Dish Pizza Chicago Dog

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The following transcript is provided for your convenience. It was created through a program, and may not be entirely accurate to our conversation.
Kevin Chang 2:42

We're so thrilled to be joined by Becky Hernandez, one of the CO captains here of two legit fitness, Becky, I mean be and I have known you for a really long time. But for everybody else, kind of give us a little background on yourself. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Becky Hernandez 3:00

Oh gosh, where do I start? So open ended. So, Becky Hernandez, I am a San Jose. I call myself a native I, my parents moved here when I was like, you know, less than a year old. So born and raised here in San Jose, I just say born and raised in San Jose. Let's see, I grew up in the south. I grew up all over the place. My dad moved us a lot. So different pockets of San Jose. But I think I would say my right now I'm living in alum rock area, and been here. You know, this has been like been here for about over 20 years and just enjoy everything about San Jose. I didn't live outside of the area for a few years in San Luis Obispo to attend college, but came right back home. Because this is where the jobs were. I have two kids, my kids but they're 18 and 15. They're, they're, you know, one adult and one still a child. One just graduated from high school. So we're excited about that. Thank you. Yeah. And during the day I'm a I worked with the County of Santa Clara. I'm really this My first I've been with accounting for about six years and it's it's been just a, a journey, a learning experience. But really I I love San Jose, I love the valley and being worked being able to work from work for the county has just given me a sense of just greater purpose and really enjoy, you know, my job in in the IoT space. So what do I do as a hobby? It is, I guess I would say is my the fitness side of things. I enjoy, you know, ai running is something that I like I'm gonna say I found by accident. I didn't really want to be I didn't want to do it, you know, because I was a group exercise fanatic. Back in 1997 is when I started a weight loss journey. I was at my heaviest probably over I was over 200 pounds, and I'm fine too. So over 200 pounds. It does, you know it does show and my friend I had a co worker and she would always come up with these crazy schemes to lose, she wanted to lose five pounds. I had a lot more to lose, but she'll Just came up with these crazy schemes. And finally one of the schemes was let's join a gym and I said, I can do that. So I joined the YMCA here east valley YMCA and that's where I just fell in love with group exercise and running came after. It wasn't. It wasn't my first choice. It was my it was I had to run because I couldn't take my group exercise instructor with me on vacation. So I found a treadmill at the hotel gym. And I'm like, Okay, this is what I'm going to do. So from then on, I would say that it became something that I enjoyed, and I balanced and was able to do both. And then, you know, met Bertrand in Oh, gosh, maybe 2009. I think it was. Yeah. And it was I think I joined like a dodgeball tournament. And then from there, try Yeah, traveling dodgeball. Yeah. And then it went from there to a warrior dash that was my first obstacle course race.

Bertrand Newson 5:58

And then from there, and you crushed it crushed it You made us all look like inferior muscles

Becky Hernandez 6:04

Oh, I don't know about that. I just was I think news I wanted to get to the mud like get that over with so I was like I gotta get over there is what to get get over this mud thing but from there that's where it just sort of like I realized running at that point seemed to be like a solo sport right you ran you did that was something you the effort you put in is what you get out of it. But the team aspect of it was something that I was able to realize through to legit was it you This is also a team that team mentality, kind of like cycling right the peloton where the cyclists go together to inspire, motivate and get that lead runner up ahead. That's really you I think what I was able to see with too legit and so now here I am today.

Kevin Chang 6:52

I guess were you always into team sports? or how oh why did it

Becky Hernandez 6:58

No, I kind of I think because of group exercise. So going back to my experience with group exercise, I was going there for about a year regularly. So my weight loss journey started in 1997, in that first year lost about 30 pounds. And I remember one time I didn't go, I don't know work got in the way. I don't know something happened where I was gone for about a week. And when I came back, the members were like, Oh my gosh, where have you been? We we didn't know what happened. We're so glad to have you back. And it was like, Oh, my God, they noticed that I was gone. You know, it was it was so you that drew me back to that class because it became a family. So the connection was there. And now with running again, running solo. In fact, I when I discovered the treadmill, I ran on the treadmill for like five years straight. I never ran outside. I didn't want to go outside. I didn't feel comfortable. I felt I wasn't I was a fake runner, like, Oh, you know, Who does she think she is? I'm like, I'll just do my treadmill. I'm good. And it wasn't until later that I in 2005 where I started running Outside when I was training for my first half, and then again, solo by myself, even though it was part of San Jose fit, it just didn't click being like a team. It didn't it didn't, that that didn't click, like I joined a team to train for a solo run. To legit has changed it so that it's like, you know, we all have our individual goals. However the team comes together to support the goals in you know, as you as an individual, or you know, or you know, and the group in general so, I always think about that connection, like I feel like we're all in it together. And that's the that's what I feel with with too legit.

Kevin Chang 8:40

Well, I was gonna say I want to get back to this. This thought about, you know, not feeling like going outside feeling like, you know, keeping to the treadmill keeping, because I think that a lot of people maybe feel that way have a baby, I'm in my comfort zone. Maybe I don't want to step out of my comfort zone and maybe they're, they're stuck in a rut for for a very long time. I guess what was it that got you out of that comfort zone to, you know, find this new world of, you know, running outdoors or meeting other people or,

Becky Hernandez 9:14

um, I have to say something I was going through a divorce. So I was wanting to escape, I guess, you know, feel something different. Since my that was something that was you know, just so disruptive in my personal life. And so I used I said, Okay, well, I need a distraction, I need something to just take my mind off of that. Something that was mine. And not not anything to do with you know, what was going on in my personal life at the time I was a you know, I had my son was two and a half and my daughter was a newborn. So going through that, you know, it working divorce and so that training for a half marathon setting that goal for myself was something like okay, that's, that's my, that's me. I can do that. And then I realized that I got to go outside and so that pushed me because I wanted to feel something different. I wanted to feel you know, something that was mine and and nobody could take that away. So I joined San Jose fit actually that's my first you know, I guess if I go back I was a very first running group that I joined and and that was for a year just to train for the half mile or half for the season for the season. And in fact that's where I met initially meant one of our teammates, Nicole var now she hottie I believe that's Nicole shahidi Bernal she's she connected with to legit earlier this year and it's funny because I'm like you were my writing coach back in 2005. So we're just small circle just show goes to show you how small this community of runners you know, it's a small world but that's how I wanted I that got me out there and that made me and then when I realized, gosh sounds a fit in his, you know, all every every from the fast runners to the walk. occurs and all shapes and sizes and I didn't feel alone. I didn't feel like I was going to be singled out. I didn't feel like I was an imposter. I think that was it. I was fighting imposter syndrome. Like you're not a real runner, you know, you're not so. But yeah, so that that really helped me get out of my comfort zone and run outside.

Bertrand Newson 11:22

And Becky, was it the half marathon that was your first distance that you were training for? Were there other races leading up to that in your running journey?

Becky Hernandez 11:32

So my first ever like pay I'm gonna pay to run was the Mercury News 10 k in 1999. That was my first race. Yeah. And then after I think I only did like maybe a couple 10 K's and no long distance and nothing beyond that. 10 k was my max. I ran one when I was you know, 18 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I think that was the last Mercury News race. I think so. You know, that was my last was I did do to take And I think I did a five K. And that was it. I didn't race. I didn't run races until 2005. I think when I did my first half so there was a few years there where I was, but I had little kids, so I couldn't see. You know, it was it wasn't it wasn't important at that point. I was like, Oh, you know, when it comes when that time comes? And so it did in 2005. I

Kevin Chang 12:23

mean, that's pretty incredible to jump right into a 10. k. You didn't you didn't do the five k first or the

Becky Hernandez 12:29

I didn't know. I didn't know any better. You know, it's like I think I'm trying to remember what I wore. Think more like a cotton t shirt. Some like, I don't know, it's probably some like leggings that weren't breathable, some like worn like aerobics shoes. Like I'm like, I'm ready to

Bertrand Newson 12:43

go home there, right? leggings. I mean, I haven't wore leggings but I totally get you in everything. So

Becky Hernandez 12:50

yeah, I mean, I didn't know like, what time do I go there? Where do I sign up? Where do I go? You know the bathrooms and like, I just I remember just being kind of an all scared but At the same time like wow, this is pretty cool. I really liked it.

Bertrand Newson 13:03

I mean nothing like that very first race experience what do you remember most from that day? Getting there the anticipate what does it what still resonates with you the most from that first race

Becky Hernandez 13:16

that I that I I didn't expect the time that I got not to say I was like, I mean, I was running on a treadmill and with treadmill, you control the speed. So you always and I always knew like okay, my comfort zone is this and maybe I'll go a little faster you know, so then so I think it was averaging maybe like an 11 minute mile on the treadmill but that was that was like fast for me like wow, you know, I'm hitting this and then when I went out there I was I averaged almost a 10 minute mile like I was like, Where'd that come from? Like, I didn't realize like wow, like you know, now that I have so much information and how that all works you know, training and you know, trading at a low kind of like a you know, recovery pays and then pushing in certain it all that now makes sense, because back then I had no idea what I was doing. Or like get on the treadmill run and then and then I decided to run a 10 K so I think that's what it was. I surprised myself with the time.

Bertrand Newson 14:07

Was it a run walk? Did you run the entire distance?

Becky Hernandez 14:10

I don't remember. I must. I must have I must have. I think I ran or shuffled the whole time with my daughter because I did it when I was pregnant with my daughter. I definitely did a run walk call with her. Yeah. How's everybody? Feel?

Bertrand Newson 14:24

Well, on that note, let's let's toast it. Let's get into everybody's drinking. Race. Mom,

Kevin Chang 14:30

happy hour. Right.

Bertrand Newson 14:32

RaceMob Happy Hour.

Becky Hernandez 14:34

Please, please. Please, Kevin, tell me something spiked

Kevin Chang 14:40

mushroom powder. Not what you want to hear.

Becky Hernandez 14:45

You are hardcore. I want to know what that's like. That's like, another level there.

Kevin Chang 14:52

I think my beers like six months old right now I haven't been out from COVID to like, go on a beer. Right? Yeah, I need to I need to go buy some. Usually we have a big party here in the fourth of July, and we have people over and stuff like that. Yeah, I don't know if it's gonna happen this year. So

Becky Hernandez 15:10

I know I did this whole thing. It's everything, everything is just sort of just in a standstill, you know, sort of waiting, you don't want to plan but what can you do? That's right.

Kevin Chang 15:20

That's right. So you're Well, one thing I did want to touch on. So you mentioned a lot about kind of this weight loss journey. Was weight loss, a big focus early on, or was it something that just kind of naturally happened because you were having fun or, I mean, talk walk us through it?

Becky Hernandez 15:37

Sure. Um, so like I said, I had a officemate, who was always you know, trying crazy diets. Like, we're only going to eat pineapple bananas, like, how's that gonna help us? We're gonna starve that's why we're going to lose weight. You know, that kind of thing. And so finally, you but her idea of joining a gym. It was as much as it was scary. I I was okay with that, because I had been a member of the YMCA and during high school, so I was familiar with the why. And I would have to say that the selecting the Y was the perfect choice for me. I don't because I think that was a safe environment. It was a very nurturing environment. And I was a small environment. So I wasn't like on you know, I felt like if I would go into a huge class with, you know, thousands 30 4050 people, I think I would have just like, no, this isn't for me, the classes were small. And I had fun. I think when people asked like, you know, now now Okay, so today, I am a group exercise instructor, I got certified, because I just enjoyed what that journey and what I was able to receive from it, and what I gained from it, and I'm like, I want to be able to give that back if just even if it's one person that I impact, I mean, because I have so many people that think in my journey. But I think having fun and because people always ask me what should I do I want to lose weight. I you know this and that I said you got to pick something. That's that you Just gonna want to go back to, even if it's hard, even if it's like you're in the middle of the classroom gasping for air, because it's tough, but at the end, you're smiling. That's it. So it could be it could be weight, you know, it could be this class, it could be that class, it can be running, it could be walking, it could be, you know, swimming, bicycling, I don't ever say I don't like when people say, well, that exercise, or they criticize a workout or type of workout, because it's like, everyone's different. So it's, it's picking what works for you. And and it's the consistency at the end of the day, does it you know, are you having a good time? Do you forget that you're working out? You know, and it's, it's something that's going to come back to that you want to go back to? So that's how I felt in those that first couple years. And in fact, that instructor Her name is Bertha. She still teaches at East Valley wide. And I know and I always, you know, every time I get a chance to see her, I always, you know, I just feel this special connection to her because she didn't know that how hurt the influence she was going to have on me. No idea and we don't know, right? We don't know. Until, you know, it's been 20 years, 20 plus years. And I'm just forever grateful for her. And all the all the all the instructors, coaches that have caught that I've crossed paths with, because I think there's always something that you're just sort of like, I didn't think about that, or Oh, I didn't I never I didn't. I didn't I haven't looked at it that way. Thank you. You know, there's something you can take away from that.

Bertrand Newson 18:20

What's great is incredible.

Kevin Chang 18:21

Yeah, that's incredible. Were you, I guess, consistency was part of like, you know, something that people some people struggle with when they are changing plans completely or changing lifestyles? Were you I guess scheduling things in advance, or was the class happening every day? or How did you make sure that you stayed consistent and didn't, you know, fall off a bandwagon here early on?

Becky Hernandez 18:47

Okay, so I'm all about lists, and calendars. I love looking at a calendar and just like filling it with things. That's me. I love to schedule in advance. So I yeah, every day So I would get I worked at IBM at the time over there in South San Jose. So in the class was over here in East Valley by Lake cutting by Mount Pleasant High School. So it would take like 2025 minutes so I would, you know, right at five o'clock, I would just, you know, rush to their, to their, they had like a locker room, bathroom area, change into my clothes, jump in the car and go, but I had to be prepared. So I always had to have my bag, my in and mentally prepare. And I think that's once you do that a couple times or a few times, I mean, it takes time. Was I perfect? No. I mean, there was times where I'm like, I don't want to go, I don't want to go live or life happens right? family obligations, you're tired work. So I would try not to beat myself up. And that's something that I'm still learning, not beating yourself up for a missed workout a missed run. Give yourself that flexibility because life happens and and that's, that's the beauty of when you enjoy something when you know that consistency at the end wins. Just because you missed that one. is not going to derail all the work that you've put in. We're going again, I'm still learning that lesson, believe me, I beat myself up. I'm like, Oh my god, I was supposed to do this. Oh, I'm supposed to run, you know, six miles, but I only got three miles and I'm like, well, it's three miles is better than nothing. So, you're fine. Fine. You know, it's okay. You're, it's okay. So, I so I think just giving yourself flexibility. Don't go. So don't be so hard on yourself. If you do miss it. It's okay to push that say, if you say okay, for these next three weeks, I'm gonna do this. And let's just say you didn't go with plan. I'll say, Oh, wait, let's reboot. Let's try to try it again. And then maybe instead of three weeks, go one week, make it those small wins. Just definitely help. I think that's what's helped me is just like, kind of, instead of looking at the big picture, like where I want to be a year from now, it's like, okay, where do you want to be by the end of the fry by the end of Friday? Okay, that is a win. So that's, I think that's helped me and then you'll see the results and I think the results so that first year of taking just group exercise, it didn't run which is great. Exercise, I didn't really focus on food, unless like 30 pounds and it was again consistency. And then from that I realized, you know, if I stopped drinking like, you know, soda and cut out chips, I could probably lose more weight, you know. So I don't felt I dealt with that later. I, I think if I tried to deal with too many things at one time, food nutrition exercise, I think I would have just been like, I'm done. I don't want to do this anymore. It's not fun anymore. It's not fun.

Kevin Chang 21:29

Yeah, I mean, I love what you mentioned. Find something that you absolutely love, and then schedule it in advance or, or write it down, right? Yeah. Your half marathon or you know, your fitness classes, you had a goal. You had a plan, and you were doing it to yourself to kind of execute on it and have fun, have a good time while doing it. That's incredible. That's awesome.

Bertrand Newson 21:55

And in that same vein, Becky, you know, being a planner, utilizing the calendar to do lists, etc, etc, which has been very successful for you, sometimes things don't always go as planned. share with us some maybe challenges that you've encountered even if you you know, you had the weekly mileage goal scripted out if you were tracking your your calorie consumption, yeah. But those real time life wildcards Come on as you are working professional, with young kids things along those lines and being able to navigate through the life adversity, and still keep your eye on the prize. So talk through some of those challenges that you experienced during the early part of your writing career.

Becky Hernandez 22:36

Um, you know, I, to be honest, like, the early part is a big kind of a blur. But I'll all go back to reading when I was preparing to run my first marathon. I was in 2013. And I think I signed up at the beginning of the year, maybe early in 2012. I forget when I signed up but that was like okay, and Okay, yeah, but schedule right, and all about the my schedule. So so I'm gonna do this, do this. Do that. In April of early April, Bertrand and I, and I think your brother, we all went, we did the rock and roll the San Francisco rock and roll half marathon. And during that run, I experienced pain in my leg and my knee that I've like, what is this? I just had a walk I think the last few miles I had a walk. And I went to the medical aid ice my knee and, and I said, Okay, a couple days and I'm fine a couple days and I'm fine. Well, a couple days pass and I'm like, I am not fine. This is it hurts. Like I can't even I can't run. And so I went, I was seeing a chiropractor. This time. I forgot. I think I put the name of the chiropractor, but he he's like, Okay, this is not true. Because it was located around my knee. The pain was around my knee. So this isn't your knee. This is like radiating from your lower back and it's traveling down. It's like, oh my god. So it was it was much bigger than what I thought it was gonna be better than what I thought. Initially. Well, that ended up being so early. April injured. June 14, the 15th I think was my marathon. So April, May, June, so two and a half months, and I probably put in 40 miles total 40 miles of training in those two and a half months. However, this was truly a running injury because I could still do my group exercise classes. I could do my strength training, I could do my cardio training. I don't know what it was, I did not feel the pain that I did when I would push off. So I devoted my time to at least getting my cardio so I said so I could have easily said oh my god, I'm not gonna be able to run. How do you how do you how do you train for a marathon when you can't run? But I threw myself into my classes I am in rehab, I did elliptical I think I did bike I did anything that I didn't was not going to generate or generate pain. And then I went through but I was consistent with going to a chiropractor, and and the recovery piece of it. And I think we did a half marathon version probably two weeks before that.

Bertrand Newson 25:00

So that was a and it was a shuffle. It was a shuffle was it to two hours and 30 minutes and rotation just

Becky Hernandez 25:09

right. And I felt Okay, I need my knee was a little, like I felt a little bit of soreness. But I'm like, Okay, this is it, you know, and virgin said, Are you sure you're gonna do this? Are you sure I'm like I'm turning 40 this year I have to do this. Like, here we go. My goal, right? I wrote it down on paper a half to run a marathon before I'm 40 or by the time I'm 40. So I really wanted to do this. And and I did so race day show up. You know, I always you know, everyone who runs our first i want i think a lot of people who run their first marathon they always have like a celebrity time goal. And I'm like, I'm gonna be Oprah or Oprah. She was like for 28 years. Well going in with an injury and not in have only run 40 miles. I'm like, Al Roker. I'm gonna be a broker. broker was like over seven hours. I'm feeling our broker. So but looking back just again recently Being able to adapt, not holding on to what could have been to like, hey, but this is still possible. I can still go out there. And I think I think my finished time was like five hours and 13 minutes. I mean, it was, and I ran. And I ran. I jogged. I walked. I think we danced because there was a DJ. We did everything. I mean, it wasn't I don't look on. It was fine.

Bertrand Newson 26:26

I had a blast. It was great.

Becky Hernandez 26:27

I remember that last mile, Kevin. I was like, this is it. This is my first marathon. I'm a mile away from the finish line. Slow down. Enjoy it. Just saved Yeah, just like cuz you're never gonna feel this again. You're never gonna have another first marathon.

This is their kids. Were at the finish line.

Yeah, I had friends and my family were down there. So I think again, just getting out of that mind like you were supposed to run this time. It doesn't matter. But I beat out broker I did beat out locally. That was my win. But again, I think adapting don't beat yourself up. Be flexible you know it you know, those that those setbacks can turn into just like being one of the most memorable events of your life and not because I look back and I being that it was my first but I look back I'm like that was fun. And you know,

Bertrand Newson 27:13

Father's Day weekend too, was it it was a month earlier than San Francisco marathon usually is because of the America America's Cup race with that same year so you have a great strong and again, yes, I was there when you got injured. Saw you pull back on your mileage significantly on the new year we're still putting in the cardio work which group exercise classes and most people would probably throw in the towel and not even give it a go but you you still had that very strong cardio base. But I think more importantly, you had it right here between the ears, you know that what you took off the pressure where there are no expectations other than putting one foot in funny other enjoying the experience? Yeah, knowing that if you just keep moving forward You're gonna get to the finish line and you did you know what time to spare.

Becky Hernandez 28:04

And and I'm gonna bring up another example it's San Francisco marathon did the training

Bertrand Newson 28:09

but you're going to say

Becky Hernandez 28:11

we burn shredder I show up we know what the group we show up on here we have lining up and we're ready to go. The wheels fell off at mile three mile three we're like, why are we here? Why are we doing this? Like, I actually I think burcham would have continued running you probably would have PR I was like No, I don't want to be here. So again, it mindset like I went in there the date you know, thinking this is gonna be a fantastic day we'll get a course PR which at the time I think it would have been like a 420 or 415.Three It was like, I don't want to be here.

Bertrand Newson 28:46

I mean, I mean you

Becky Hernandez 28:47

get your I did PR because you know why? I got the my slowest marathon ever five hours and like for people but a PR that's

Bertrand Newson 28:59

the common theme is his mindset. And it's when the bite, sometimes the body is going to show up and be ready. And sometimes it's going to fight through adversity. And if you can adjust the mental mindset, because we're both feeling in that now, you know, three miles or six miles we knew was gonna be a lie, and it kind of sucked from from start to finish. At some point, we're like, you know what we might as well go ahead and make the best of it. And, you know, out of all the runs we've done together and marathons we've done together, it's been many. I still see and take a lot of a lot of laughter and positive vibes and good conversation. We made the best of it, you know, it was, it was, you know, so, again, and that was how we look at the remaining 20 plus miles, right. Um, and we know, there were some moments it got a little long, a little, little tough, but yeah, you know, we knew we're gonna get to the finish line. I don't think we ever felt we were in danger of not finishing. And I still enjoyed the experience. We were laughing about it. Right now, you know, so yeah, yeah,

Becky Hernandez 30:02

yeah. It's

Bertrand Newson 30:03


Kevin Chang 30:04

Yeah, I agree. I guess I mean, that's something you have to realize too is your worst time is still somebody like goal. Finish time, right. You know, like, be grateful that you're able to be out there on the course even if your body's not really feeling it, not really grooving with you. I mean, you guys just have the right mindset to just like, continue on smile dance, you know? Yeah,

Becky Hernandez 30:29

exactly. And it really, I mean, now, okay, so that was a few years ago, you know, you know, I'm gonna be 47 this year, and my body's changing on me, you know, what, how I might the aches and the pains linger. You know, what I eat affects me very differently than it did five years ago. And so I look back at what I was able to do five years ago, and I'm like, my God, I I should have Why didn't I appreciate that? Why didn't they like, Oh my gosh, I could do that. I could do this. And now I'm like, I my body won't let me And that's okay, you know, it's this, this is where I'm at right now in my, in my journey of life, I don't even want to call it fitness, it's just life. This is where I find myself. And it's now again, resetting and and knowing like that, you know, that was, you know, 2017 Becky, that was 2018 Becky 2019 back, you know, this is 2020 and, and just being able to do things, that I'm able to that my goal is to do things without getting, you know, aggravating the injuries that I have. And just, you know, looking thinking long term now it's like, gosh, you know, I'm going to be entering my 50s and a few years and I'm like, I want to be able to I still want to be in the game. One of our dear friends, Randy, you know, he cracks me up. He says, you know, thank God, I drink my drink my way through my 20s and 30s because it saved my knees. And I crack up with that because it's like, it's true. It's like, it's like, you know, he looks at it that way. Like, I can run because of that, you know, I was doing something that's when I think about like, gosh, you know, I want to be able to preserve and Protect what I have and not take it for granted because there's just you know i get i think i was i think i was there was a time there I was like oh yeah let's go run a mare I think I did you know we're running marathons left and right and running on miles and now I'm like, I can't even imagine doing that I just because of you know what, what I'm going through with you know, with injury and things like that.

Kevin Chang 32:18

How has your routine changed or have things changed in the way that you're dealing with your body

Becky Hernandez 32:28

it's changed in the sense that I have to just again mental mentally reset what what I'm numbers right you know, I know phone tracking your phone and you always look at the number and you compare it right? You just compare it to what what it used to be, and it's it's letting go of what was the past and just say, we got it, this is what it is now and not compare. So that's, that's probably what I'm dealing with more. In terms of like my routine, you know, shelter in place, the gym is closed that has been closed. Since March, so I haven't been doing my classes so I was getting a lot of my cardio training from my classes. So my cardio was, I was telling Verdun my cardio just is plummeting, but it's okay. I'm not there's no races either. So it's like I'm really not training for anything other than it's more just maintaining a level of fitness that so when the gyms reopen, and I'm going back to my classes, I'm not going to die up there.

In fact, you know, if we could reopen it, you know, very soon, and I'm already like, Oh my god, I'm gonna die.

Bertrand Newson 33:31

On timeout. I'm calling a timeout. You said your, you said your cardio is plummeting. It is everyone's battling back up. So this is go to April 2020. That's this year, correct? Yes, I believe you established a personal mileage.

Becky Hernandez 33:52

Goal. I did a new PR APR of over 222 39 to 299 Okay to 2019

Bertrand Newson 34:03

and that was in April this year, correct? Yes. All right. And you again you say your cardio was struggling. Let's just fast forward one month later may of 2020 which was last month. I believe you establish another mileage PR correct. Did you increase you best that by over 100 additional miles?

Becky Hernandez 34:27

Three I ended the month with 329.

Bertrand Newson 34:31

Kevin Wow. Do you hear that my my cardio is suffering.

Becky Hernandez 34:36

It is.

Bertrand Newson 34:40

From like, never getting maybe one time getting to 200 work. Have you had you gotten to 200 before in the past?

Becky Hernandez 34:46

No, I've never before that was 191 90 was the most I've ever run into muscle

Bertrand Newson 34:52

192 to 9019 to 320 plus My cardio suffering.

Becky Hernandez 35:04

Okay, can I just explain what I mean by that?

Bertrand Newson 35:07

The audience Okay, inquiring minds want to know.

Becky Hernandez 35:11

So, yes, those are monthly prs, and that's probably been the silver lining silver lining of sheltering in place. So I would have had a commute, right. If we weren't sheltering plays were before COVID-19. I would commute to North San Jose, close to a pita. So it was like an hour there an hour back. Being now working from home, I swapped that commute with running. So in the morning, I would go out for a run in the afternoon, I would go for a walk. So that's been my routine. And again, I'm all about writing things down scheduling unit advance. So I have my little schedule. And I realized at the end of March Lina, when children play started, like, wow, I got how many miles did I do? Like I was surprised by how much mileage I had even gotten in March. I was like a Wednesday I think I ended march with 175. And I thought, well, gosh, you know, maybe maybe April will be you know, I can I could do a little bit more. Now. We're going to be working from home. for the entire month and so that's really work so when I say my cardio it's more because it's been no speed work you know I walk when I need to I power hike I go what you know, it's I run I jog and I walk so it's I'm not stressing, am I putting my I'm not my heart rate isn't in that, you know, anaerobic zone or anything like that so and I would get that in my classes so that's what I'm thinking like when I say my cardio I think about my, what I would do in my classes. I'm not doing that right now. However, my endurance I have, I have to say, though, endurance wise, I have been pushing and I'm not pushing pace, but just pushing the miles. And so I really just, I'm still amazed that I'm walking after me being able to do those, but again, it was a common, it's like 20% of those miles were walking miles, you know, walking in the evenings after work. And in the mornings, it was doing team runs, and then on the weekends doing a long run, in fact, we closed may with running a marathon. It was it was a last minute decision and that was me being someone

Bertrand Newson 37:06

who does. I'm gonna go invest I'm gonna go ahead and best my previous monthly mileage PR by over 100 miles and on the last day of that month run a freakin marathon. drop the mic See? Right That's what I'm doing right now everybody

Becky Hernandez 37:18

nowhat i had i interviews

Bertrand Newson 37:23

right there?

Becky Hernandez 37:24

Well, I I'm gonna give credit, different inspiration to Nicole and Gloria These are two teammates that were had run marathons the weekend before. And they just made it look so easy. And it you know, and I, I hadn't run a marathon in over a year sowhen I was actually running the marathon, I'm like, what, what? Like, what is this? I don't understand this. Like, what I felt was this like, Oh my gosh, this is don't ever take for granted. I think it

Bertrand Newson 37:55

was easy peasy. I don't know about you. Yes, that's true. I was I was there.

Becky Hernandez 37:59

The First 20 meant begin mental, because we had originally said 20 miles. And it wasn't until like two days before the day before I said, Let's go for a marathon. And you and Jackie were like, sure my crap. Now we have to do it. So, so 20 miles, I was okay, we're running. Once I hit the 20 mile It was like this wall just fell and I'm like, I'm walking. And then it was just a walk, jog, walk jog the last six. But yeah, I you know, No, I didn't. I survived with minimal psychological damage. And so yeah, it's been it's been, I guess that's probably the silver lining of this sheltering in places, having more time being able to do that because, you know, I, I went before that I would work, go teach a class. And I would be lucky if I get a couple miles in during the week. It was just tough with everything that was going on. So

Kevin Chang 38:56

awesome. Do you have any goals that you're working on? Now is going to talk those numbers in June is. So is there anything that

Becky Hernandez 39:06

I'm doing these days? Well, so Bertrand and I are run local ambassadors. And that JT service and his great organization rolled out a challenge called California coast. 500. And so there's different target goals, you could do 100 miles 250 400 500 the 500 mile is the challenge that I signed up for. And so it's over the course of three months janee June 8, through September 7, I think. So it's, that's the last day of the challenge. And so 500 miles again, running or walking, and as of right now, this is day 11. The guy have about almost 90, so we'll see it's, you know, it again, yeah, it's it's one foot in front of the other and, you know, I'm not having having just finished off with 300 plus mile month. I'm like, Okay, I think the average is like 165 a month for change. Something like that wants to see. Yeah. So I'm like okay, that seems doable to me 365 so that's that's it and then just if the gyms open up getting ready for that, I think I'm excited to get back to classes I'm and I missed I missed that environment that's been that's always been always joke that it's a second home for me it's the group x group x crowd because that's where I feel like that was my you know, my my that's where my journey started so that's always gonna have a special place for me.

Becky Hernandez 40:00

Something like that wants to see. Yeah. So I'm like, okay, that seems doable to me 365 so that's, that's it and then just if the gyms open up getting ready for that, I think I'm excited to get back to classes I'm and I missed I missed that environment that's been that's always been I always joke that it's a second home for me it's the group x group x crowd, because that's where I feel like that was my you know, my my that's where my journey started. So that's always gonna have a special place for me.

Kevin Chang 40:33

I'm glad you mentioned the California 500 I'm actually running it too and Oh, that's right. Yeah. Oh my god, I'm doing this in the whole like online competition. I wasn't sure how it was gonna work, but it's definitely motivational for me.

Becky Hernandez 0:45


Kevin Chang 40:46

You know, on my couch a lot of the times are doing my group classes which we're doing on zoom with with my gym as well. And now it's like, okay, every day I gotta get out there get out there. I yeah, yeah, run my miles. I'm not doing the 500 I'm doing 250 Okay, that'll be good. That'll be quite a bit for me. I'm glad you mentioned it. I think it's, it's awesome.

Becky Hernandez 41:07

Yeah, it is. It's I'm glad that it's, it's an, in fact, our team to legit has 70. So our, our group here has 17 people. So we just got to make sure people log their miles. So I was just saying, like, You know what? I was looking at the leaderboard and I saw less than 70 I'm like when somebody's not logging their miles and miles in. I don't know who it is, but I'm gonna find out.

Kevin Chang 41:28

You talked a little bit about the group classes. So which classes do you teach these days? How many how many classes you normally do a week? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it sounds like fun.

Becky Hernandez 41:37

It you know, I am certified in in Les Mills. So Les Mills, body pump, body step body combat. So those are the three formats that I regularly teach. And then there's just a lot of variety in those classes. And it's for everybody. So if your local gym like 24 hour YMCA by the The sport bait club Apple, a lot of the corporate fitness that they offer some of these classes body pump is a very popular and a lot in, I would say probably the most popular class. And I like it because you go in and you see again, all walks of life, everybody in their own journey, and we're all there together to get a workout in. And I always and I go in there thinking, Okay, this is not my workout, this is their workout. So I always you know, I, you know, I beat them, but I Oh, you know, kind of look around and, and just, you know, try to motivate coach. I'm not one to go up in somebody's face. Like, that's just not me, because I don't I don't want somebody coming up to me that way. Because I remember how I remember feeling like don't look at me, don't look at me. You know, I'm in this group exercise, like don't look at me. So I respect that, like, everyone is here and I just kind of give general direction. And it's cool, you know, they come up to me afterwards and oh my God, thank you so much. Or you know, that's a great class where they ask for advice. And I'm like, I'm not a medical doctors. And I'm not I don't know, because they always say like, This hurts when I do this, like well Have a go consult with your doctor. But I try to give him advice like, Well, you know, when I felt that kind of pain, this is what I've done, which is go to my doctor. You know, like, like, I'd make sure to put all those disclaimers, but you know, I think that there's they you know they want to they are getting something out of it and they just don't want to lose out so that's why they're like I'm feeling this how do we get rid of it? You know, that kind of thing. But ya know, it's it's, it's been an amazing experience. And I don't know how many years I have left of teaching i right now I'm teaching well, because before shelter in place, I was averaging about 334 classes a week. Before something, you know, like, a few years ago, I was teaching like eight, eight classes a week, I'd cut back. But now it's, you know, three to four, and we'll see, you know, after COVID-19 that's just changed everything. And we just don't know what the demand is going to be like, Are people feeling safe going back to a gym, all those things are going to play out? Oh, you know, only time will tell how that how that's all gonna play out.

Kevin Chang 43:57

Well, I mean, I'm glad that you Do other training as well. I think a lot of runners don't realize how beneficial cross training is, you know, other forms of exercise that aren't, you know, impacting the same body part over and over. I mean, you mentioned it with the marathon training, right? Yeah, we're injured you could still do your group x classes. Yeah. I mean, I think it's awesome that we're just mentioning it here. Like how, how important like doing different things.

Becky Hernandez 44:27

It is. It is it can it can help you if you're injured from running, find something else to keep. I remember there was there was there was one one of our one of our I think a speakers that what was Johnny Burton?

Bertrand Newson 44:41

He marathoner ultra marathon and you know, marathons participant.

Becky Hernandez 44:45

Yeah, he would, he said resonated with me because I really believe that, you know, he said, like, he he was training for the Quicksilver 100 K, and he was injured. So he said he got on a stationary bike. I think it was stationary bike, and he rode like, intense like Max hit max weight on the bike, just really, really stressed at the cardio and he finished he ended up being able to run the 100 K. And he finished it like under 11 hours. I mean something ridiculous 100 K, but but I but I but I wasn't surprised by it. I was like, you know, it totally makes sense to just find something else to work on the cardio, get the body in shape and the legs will I think they'll let you do something that can simulate with time to simulate running but at least get strengthen the legs so they can they can perform when the time comes. So I've been able to leverage the classes. And you know, just like with with running though, you know you having a strong core, strong glutes, strong hamstring, all those things that you think, well, I'm running, I'm working them. They're, they're working. They're firing. It's like not necessarily you're probably I've learned the hard way that I overcompensate that I have you know I have these mechanical things that I got to work on because I'm overloading my lower back or I'm stressing this I'm doing this so you have to look at training outside to get started. longer in running, you got to get something out you got to train outside of running to get stronger and running.

Bertrand Newson 46:06

And that best example was in 2013 when you were training for your first marathon, yeah, injured in April, completed the marathon in June, with basically 40 miles of training leading up to it. Yeah, that is unheard of. And, you know, again, the importance of cross training and keeping the cardio core in shape, and then again, the mindset. Yeah, yeah,

Becky Hernandez 46:30

solid, like the mind.

Kevin Chang 46:33

Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, I know, for myself, you know, when I was only running or strictly running, and I was running long distances, I would tend to cramp up or have muscle cramps or other things. It wasn't until I started doing like CrossFit or functional fitness training and using weights and using barbells and using other things that my not only my legs got stronger, my bones got denser, you know, like everything started working over Little bit better after some of that training. So, you know, I think it's great that you that you get to do other training not just running, you know, yeah work other things in. Yeah, it really helps

Becky Hernandez 47:12

overall. And I mean, I'm gonna I'm gonna bring this up because it's it's a funny story, not only cross training but also nutrition that you have to be really mindful of what you eat. And, and I can bring it I can attest to that for translating because, you know, I tell the story all the time, because I think, you know, runners have no shame, right? We talk about everything, right? When you're a runner, you just talk about like, you know what, you know, everything. There's no there's you lose all your inhibitions. Well, I Chicago Marathon. The first 15 was our first one. Yeah, yeah. Well, I've only been to so it was the first year we went and, you know, get trained for it. I thought it was gonna be this. You know, it's the first time in Chicago. So my first time in Chicago, aside from business trip, so it's really exciting. About the food could eat. You know, it's like ours the races on Sunday we get there Friday. And I think we were on the airplane for a few things like forever. And then so finally we get get to the good art to get to the hotel we check in. And then we're like we're hungry. So we're like now in the streets of Chicago. And we're like, okay, we're hungry. Let's go get go. The first thing we see is Chicago, hot dogs, hot dogs. So we each get a we each get a Chicago style hot dog. I sort of got it's like this big. That was just the appetizer. So eat it. Keep walking, maybe by I don't know, maybe 20 minutes later, we found a deep dish pizza. And we stopped there. Each of us get our own deep dish, our own salad or pitcher of beer. And we either all eating out. Okay. You think that would be the end of it? No. We leave that place and I'm just sort of like I don't. I'm really full like, I'm like really full. We're right next to Morton's. And it's like the original Morton's right

Bertrand Newson 49:00

there. Yep the real Morton's Yep,

Becky Hernandez 49:02

we got to go inside and have some dessert. So there we go inside. We ordered like key lime pie carrot cake, I think something else

Bertrand Newson 49:09


Becky Hernandez 49:10

green dessert. And I think I had coffee right and so there we go so now we're like up to up to the like up to my eyeballs like I can't Oh my god. Leave there. call it a night. The next day we're going to do a Bart we're going to meet Bart Yasso. And Nina Deena Kaster. Yeah, so we go good. wake up the next morning. Hold cold cool.

Bertrand Newson 49:33

Very cold. Yeah.

Becky Hernandez 49:35

And I wake up and I'm like, No, no, good. Yeah. Cuz you know, you know, you know, you're as you know, as a runner. You're very mindful of your system. put it that way. your your your, your, you know, your system. And my system isn't talking to me. It's not talking to me, like, okay, we're only gonna run three miles. I'll be fine afterward. My sister will talk to me and we'll be fine. So go, we run out three miles. I think we went to the Expo, we're gone a whole day of things of doing things. And I'm just like, not like, gosh, I just don't feel like I

Bertrand Newson 50:12

don't think it was 10 miles of walking on Saturday, the day before the marriage. So yeah, we ran three. And then it was an exception. It was on my tracker. It was 10 miles of making their way through the streets and the pier and the waterfront and of Michigan Avenue,

Becky Hernandez 50:31

something like that. Then we went at the Naval Pier, I think we went to the pier,

Bertrand Newson 50:36

the platform,

Becky Hernandez 50:37

and then the popcorn. So so so you know, I don't remember what I ate for breakfast. But I know for dinner we had like, I think I had like a glass of white wine and a chicken salad because I'm like something like, I need something light. You know, maybe my system will start talking to me, but then we went for the Chicago style popcorn. All right, Kevin. Now with Saturday night, we're done. All right. We'll see you at the rate that we'll meet at the hotel and then we'll walk over we'll meet at the hotel lobby and then we'll walk over to the start line. Now. It's Sunday. My system is still not talking to me.

It's on strike.

Bertrand Newson 51:06

And I really didn't know. I mean, I didn't know.

Becky Hernandez 51:09

I didn't know till then I'm like, nobody needs to know that. Like, I'm not gonna share

Bertrand Newson 51:14

some of that stuff. But I was like, okay, we're gonna we're gonna run a marathon. You know, we're here. So now it's time so far.

Becky Hernandez 51:20

No, no, it's two days. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh. I'm thinking, well, the race starts in an hour. I have to go. I have to leave my room. I can't sit here forever. So I go and I'm like, I pray. How's it Okay, this is it gonna happen. I gotta go. So we go down there. We're taking pictures and I'm feeling okay. I'm feeling okay. I think it was around mile 11. My body awakens. Like, knock, knock. Hello. And I'm like, I were we have a good good pace going. I don't know what we're averaging but we're moving

Bertrand Newson 51:59

it 10 minute rain,

Becky Hernandez 52:01

yeah, mile 11. And I'm thinking, Okay, what do I do? And now it's like my body is. And I see Popeyes tons of porta potties around but I'm like, I don't want to stop because I didn't know I don't know what's gonna happen. I really don't know what's gonna happen. And I was embarrassed. I didn't want to avoid travel that was happening. You could just you Come on. I know. But I thought I didn't want you to stop. Why didn't you keep going? Don't wait for me.

Bertrand Newson 52:27

I wanted us maybe I wanted to stop.I would have had no problem.

Becky Hernandez 52:33

So, Kevin, we didn't stop until 15 miles later. So for 15 miles. I was like,

Bertrand Newson 52:41

I don't know how she did it, man.

Becky Hernandez 52:43

I mean, I was I was I was making deals with Jesus. Let me if you like if you let me survive this, if you let me because I have all these images of like you've seen runners or they have accidents and I'm like this is gonna happen to me like I'm just gonna I'm just it's just gonna happen to me. It didn't. It's a week. Okay, so we finished right and i don't tell anything to Bertrand I

Bertrand Newson 53:08

had no idea. I think 1516 1718 strive for strike.

Becky Hernandez 53:14

I'm like

Bertrand Newson 53:16

passing porta potties.

Seeing porta potties,

Becky Hernandez 53:21

we cross the finish line. Okay, I must have had like a grimace, I have to go look back at the picture that I was probably like all like just contorted in Chicago, Chicago Marathon finish line. In order to get to a cab. It's like another two mile walk. Right?

Bertrand Newson 53:36

You have to walk through this horrible

Becky Hernandez 53:38

loss to walk like miles and the whole time versus taking pictures with everybody. I'm like,

Bertrand Newson 53:47

she was so tight lipped. I was finished the Chicago Marathonmarathon nature.

Becky Hernandez 53:53

I was I was

Bertrand Newson 53:55
  1. You know, like, this is great. Like,
Becky Hernandez 53:59

are you okay? I don't think you realize until we finally caught an Uber and I was like, I gotta go.

Bertrand Newson 54:06

And then it all clicked. Like, oh my Jesus.

Becky Hernandez 54:10

Okay, so the more the lesson there is don't do that because I was so messed up for like a week after, like, seriously, my system was so messed up. So, yeah, so I mean, that was like, nutrition, going back to neutral. The lesson learned is, don't do that. Don't ever don't eat like I did. For a marathon. Again, I thought my body could handle it. And it didn't. It was just like FSU. You're gonna you're gonna pay the price and, and then the second year we went, I think I was like, I know what I can eat after the marathon. I'm not gonna do that before.

Bertrand Newson 54:43


Becky Hernandez 54:44

That was I did get a PR at the time. That was a PR that second time I was there was like, a 415 or something like that. So

Bertrand Newson 54:51

but we're still I mean, we still with that group we went with because we had a couple of Christine Velasquez Jim. Jim's first marathon. We still got out and about. Yeah, it was fun pizza the first night but

didn't mix it up a little bit.

Becky Hernandez 55:06

I knew I'm like don't go down that path, Becky.

It was awful. It was awful.

Kevin Chang 55:14

The advice that we can give to her

Becky Hernandez 55:20

got it was so good.

Bertrand Newson 55:23

I think that questions been thoroughly answered. Tell us about a time when you had some adversity during a race check. Thank you. And you know, we can all talk up you know, see I am 2013 do not drink tequila the day before a marathon. That's a whole nother conversation. Yeah. So we're talking about

Kevin Chang 55:46

moving on. Well, I Becky on again soon. I'm sure. We'll get to the bottom of that. We will we will. All right. Well, we do want to get to a lightning round here. So a couple of questions. Short answers. And we'll get through them. We've got about four questions here for the lightning round.

Becky Hernandez 56:04


Kevin Chang 56:06

if you could recommend a race to anybody, which race would you recommend?

Becky Hernandez 56:12

Oh, gosh, um, does it distance wise? Is it like,

Kevin Chang 56:16

yeah, your choice, your choice.

Becky Hernandez 56:18

You know what, just because I had, it's always gonna be close to my heart San Francisco marathon. I just, it's I've lived in the Bay Area, like I lived in San Jose my whole life, but looking at it from your by foot and exploring the perimeter of San Francisco. I'm like, Wow, it was just to me, it was just something that I really appreciated. And I think everybody should do.

Kevin Chang 56:42

Okay, current PR that you're the most proud of

Becky Hernandez 56:47

my current PR Oh, um, I would say my gosh, the 10 k that I did last year, because I didn't I didn't expect it was lined up at the race. It was the at the 510 All right. Bertrand big been spate. And I signed up and Jason was there. And he's like, all right, Jason. Because we were like, what are we gonna do? What's your risk strategy? I don't know what mine is, and finally said, we're gonna go for Jason. We're gonna go for it. And sure enough, we take off. And so the first two miles, we were just going together. And then after, like, mile three, I'm like, Where's Jason?

Bertrand Newson 57:20

Jason go, you broke up?


Becky Hernandez 57:24

So I blamed Jason because he was like, What do you do? What do you do? I'm like, damn it. So it was unexpected, I think I think was 44 under under 45 minutes for 10 K. Wow. And I had been I had been chasing that PR are trying to get under 45 for a few years. So that was completely unexpected. So but it was fine. I just think back and look, Jason, what the heck, I believe him.

Kevin Chang 57:48

What's a product so running product that's maybe a newer runner might not know about or people new to running might not know about that you love or would love to tell a new runner about Is there anything that you use on a regular basis? Or

Becky Hernandez 58:04

you know what I would say it's more recovery, because those are the things you don't think about, right? You don't want to think about recovery and the so important to start just incorporating that into your routine. So in terms of like a product or anything like that, I mean, the the pulsating gun has been been really helpful in terms of just getting those target targeting those spots that need just a little bit more care, and more attention. And also recovery sandals. I didn't I wasn't a big believer, but I've had a pair of I think, ooh fuzz, and I'll have a pair of Hocus recovery sandals. And that really helps protect the foot just from wearing around. If you're if you'd like to walk around barefoot around the house. As we get older, it's probably not the best thing to do because your arch you just need that extra support. So recovery sandals and that pulsating gun. I've been I've been really helpful.

Bertrand Newson 58:54

Kevin, that's a very good question. And thank you for sharing some of those products, back your recovery tips. Have there been any supplements or aid station snacks that you've experienced?

Becky Hernandez 59:11

I think it was a legal question. legal

Bertrand Newson 59:20


Becky Hernandez 59:21

Okay, let me set the stage, Oakland marathon. We're in the last six miles. And it was we started off strong, right, the first 13 We're like, wow, I think we're like 205 or something like that. I remember. Yeah. We were like, Look at us. You know, that was the earliest part of the marathon at the time. So we thought Okay, the next 13 We're fine. Well, you know, by the time we hit the wall at mile 20,

Bertrand Newson 59:45

and well wait, what one of us clearly hit the wall. I didn't see anyone hit you. My hands are up there it was,

Becky Hernandez 59:51

I was there.

Bertrand Newson 59:54

From the floor. Admittedly, this is being recorded. So hit the wall. So when I hit the wall virtue I

Becky Hernandez 60:02

was tracking behind and I was in front so we're just going to going this way you know this and I kind of would a further head and there was at the time of the brown sugar kitchen was on that expressway was it I forgot what it was that Jay Nelson Mandela Parkway. Okay, so the brown sugar kitchen was there and they had an aid station like they just had their own like snacks. So I ran by and I grabbed something and it looked like a granola bar, like half of a granola bar, ate it. Oh my god. It was like, like, like, I was reborn. Like I had a little pep in my step. I was clicking my heels. And Bertrand did not stop it. I don't think I don't know what happened. He just kind of glossed over that aid station. And he was she

Bertrand Newson 60:45

was like levitating. She I could see the gap. She already had like a quarter mile on me and then it grew to like Where Where did she go? She done already. She's like, you can see the unicorn and rainbows and sparks

Becky Hernandez 60:59

and I go Backing up, you're like what got into you? And I said, Did you get that? 80? Didn't you see that? Didn't you grab something from brown shirt? He's like, no, like, we need to go back to what the hell they put, like, read. Yeah, it was great. I don't know if it was just a huge sugar infusion that just sort of like got me high, you know, like, oh, but I you did an I did and I was like, that was the best.

They need to package that. So if you're listening to this brown sugar kitchen, whatever you made in the 20 was a 2014 1520 1518 Oakland marathon package that runners will buy it.

Kevin Chang 61:41

Absolutely. Mid race pick me. Yeah.

Becky Hernandez 61:44

I don't know what was in it. It was delicious.

It was amazing.

Bertrand Newson 61:50

game changer. game changer.

Kevin Chang 61:52

Yeah. Last lightning round question. What's one word that describes your emotions? emotional states when you cross the finish line and most time

Becky Hernandez 62:04

relief, relief, because it's just I made it. I didn't DNF you know, but it's just more just like, it's, it's, you know, one thing, it's an accomplishment, right? I, my background is project management, there's a starting to finish. And the start of a race starts with when you first sign up, right? Like, I'm gonna sign up for that race, and then it comes to the training. So it's like a project, that's, you know, you kind of go through these different phases. So when you cross the finish line, it's like, I'm done. I can now start the closing of that project. So that's how I look at it like it's relief. It's excitement. You know, even if it's not the best race if it wasn't, it didn't pan out the way I wanted to. But it's still relief. It's, it's, you know, like, okay, it's done now. Move on, what's next?

Kevin Chang 62:50

Well, I mean, that was fantastic. That was just an awesome time. I think hanging out together. I think we want to be respectful of your time. Anything that we didn't cover anything that you want to share with, with the audience with the broader audience?

Becky Hernandez 23:05

Sure, um, you know, I, you'd be touched, touched on like, he will works for you, you know, in terms of like, you know, the motivation of like all my fitness journey losing weight, and staying active and motivation. And I think, you know, and I think it's more for women, you know, there's that whole thing about having it all. And some people say like, Oh my god, how do you do this? How do you do? How do you how do you do all that? And I looked at it, and I said, You know what, sometimes I beat myself up because I'm not doing more. But I have to realize like, that comparison is what sometimes gets in our minds, like, I look at somebody else's like, Oh my god, how can they do that? How can they? How are they able to go to work and run 12 miles and deal in, you know, be there for their children and when I can't, and i and i and i have to stop myself to say like, you know what, they're all is different than mile like when we as women say, Oh, you know, she can have it all. My all is very different than the all of the woman next to me and the woman next to her, and it changes every day. So, today what my all is, is, you know, being able to, you know, get my morning run in and and do this been able to do this like I did, I accomplished what I wanted to for the day. And that to me is having it all tomorrow could be cooked something completely different. So I think just you know, not beating ourselves up and what doesn't work, what you have planned just doesn't pan out or, you know, being able to change it up to accommodate where you are in life at that particular time. I do believe everything happens for a reason. There's a connection, we don't know what you know, we always don't know what that is but, you know, just believe in the process and believe in yourself. And, and, and not compare because I think we get stuck in all that comparing and that that that's that can bring us down and really prevent us or from really achieving what we're capable of doing.

Bertrand Newson 64:57

Okay, well said Becky. And typically Get back on with the question. Kevin asked in your eloquent answer. You're just such a core source of inspiration for so many in the running community, certainly in the Bay Area, running community, especially in the South Bay. I'm working professional mother of two. You know, at your peak, you know, teaching in some cases 10 plus group exercise classes during the week. In addition to getting your running in motivation is hard for a lot of people to find. Everybody has good intentions. Everybody wants to get out and stay active. But you have been able to consistently even navigating through injury and through other life adversity, going through the divorce, weight loss, weight gain. We've always still been able to find a way To encourage others just by leading by example, and being humble and open and real. And just a thank you because you you, your approach is unlike any others and the running community really appreciates all you do. And if there's any, anything you could share with our listeners on what drives you, because everybody has those life obstacles, especially in these trying times 2020 has been one hell of a year on so many levels, but you're coming off two months where you've established marathon or distance prs son that's graduated from high school, still being able to work as working professional. still finding a way and not You know, griping about all that has gone wrong. You're still a source of positivity and inspiration. How do you you know, what are some things you can share with our listeners on where you find that drive? Because we all want it, but it's hard to coin it. It is.

Becky Hernandez 67:21

Because I don't know any better. I don't know.

I, I don't know I i really don't. I think for me looking at it, looking at the negative or dwelling on what didn't happen or what hasn't happened. Training. It's that negativity is much more of a drain. It just drains you. And I think it takes a lot more work to feel down than it is to feel like okay, that happened. Okay, no, I just keep moving forward. And again, look at the positive. I that's just, that's just me. I don't like to feel Don't want to I don't like being in a space where there's negativity that just doesn't that doesn't, I don't see I don't sit well in that space I get really uncomfortable. So I choose to just not be there. And if I do go there, which it is, I mean, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say that don't ever feel down that I don't ever feel sad. In fact, this week got some you know, some sad news that a a fellow fitness instructor passed away on Tuesday from from cancer and it just hit home and I just you know, been deal you know, just sort of these get these waves of emotion and I'm sort of like, where does that coming from, you know, and, and, but, you know, I just tried to, you know, acknowledge, be in that space for a few minutes or however long you need to and then Okay, move on. It doesn't mean I'm not I'm not feeling it or I don't acknowledge that things happen. adversity happens, but I'm not going to choose to sit in it. I'm not going to choose to sit in that space longer than I need to. So just get in enough acknowledge and then move on. And so I don't know I don't think I you know, I you say these nice, very nice Things Bertram but I, I'm always like, I don't know. I don't know, it's just, it's just, it's I there's I can't say I do this this this I do what I enjoy. And I think that's probably starts with that to something that's gonna bring you joy. If you're doing something that isn't I you know we're all our circumstances are so different. So I it's it's easier said than done they will stop doing matter to go get a new job or go do something you're right there but but there is a there is something we can do. We can choose, you know how we look at a situation and our emotions and our attitude. And so I choose the positive. And then whenever I can.

Bertrand Newson 69:39

And that's something we had come up earlier in our conversation this evening is mindset. We'll talk about how races have a lot of parallels with life. And if we can change the mindset and deal with the adversity and accept what it is and then we still I feel are always in control of our happiness. And don't let the adversity take control. All of us where we take control of the situation so in your wonderful example of that fantastic

Becky Hernandez 70:07

thank you

Bertrand Newson 70:10


Kevin Chang 70:12

Well, I mean I know that people can find you on the two legit website to widget fitness the to legit Facebook group is there anywhere else that people can find you or places online that you want people to find you or is too legit the best place to Yeah, find out where Becky is. And I meet up with you on race so

Becky Hernandez 70:32

I'm you know, I'm on Facebook. I also have Instagram so let me see if I remember my Instagram handle. I think it's at Becky s four. Oh, wait. So I'm there. So yeah, find me there. And you know, I know. Hopefully when braces resume you'll find me probably standing at a start line at some local race here in San Jose. Can't wait for that to spin up again. So yeah, no, but yeah, I welcome all you know any any Anybody would like to follow up with anything that I've said or, you know, I look forward to that connection.

Kevin Chang 71:07

Amazing. Amazing. Well, thank you so much, Becky, for joining us today. I mean, this has been just fantastic conversation and we'll talk to you again soon.

Becky Hernandez 71:15

All right. Thank you very much. Thank you, Bertrand. Thank you, Kevin