
Nando Gonzales - Too Legit, Taji100, Belt Buckles, Brews, and Friendship

Nando Gonzales - Too Legit, Taji100, Belt Buckles, Brews, and Friendship


We always talk about the power of the race day experience. Sometimes that bond you form ends up becoming a lifelong friendship. Well, Nando met Bertrand a decade ago at a race - and is now one of his closest friends. You'll hear that story in this chat with the incredible Nando Gonzales.

You'll also learn about

All of the show notes can be found online at racemob.com/podcast


Podcast Transcription

The following transcript is provided for your convenience. It was created through a program, and may not be entirely accurate to our conversation.
Nando Gonzales: [00:00:00]

There was never any self doubt. Again, I don't want to sound like I'm hyping myself up or anything, but the mindset was there. Like I literally was. Focused and headstrong, and I knew it was going to happen because I didn't know how, but I knew it was going to happen so early on, just try not to focus on how many loops you have left, because there's a little box on the side as he come that start finish line, it kind of shows you which lab and how long that lap took you.
And so early on it just, you know, put the blinders on, just stick to the road, stick to the course.

Kevin Chang: [00:00:30]

Hello, and welcome to the RaceMob podcast, where we're all about running long, having fun and making the human connection. This is episode number 37.
I'm Kevin entrepreneur technology and fitness nerd. And I'm joined by the head coach of RaceMob and master motivator. The incomparable Bertrand Newson.
We always talk about the power of the race day experience.
And sometimes those bonds that you form end up becoming lifelong friendships. Well Nando, and Bertrand met a decade ago at a race, and now they are the closest of friends. You're going to hear that story as part of this incredible chat with nano Gonzales. You'll also learn about how this veteran continues to take on the Taji 100 challenge with a passion and how he's helped the event grow significantly over the years.
The incredible story of its 100 mile ultra marathon with fellow podcast guest, Coach Jake McCluskey, his tips on how to stay motivated, running trails and running with a dog. Plus we dive into the spirit of fishing and autos recommendations. All the show notes can be found online at RaceMob dot com slash podcast.
And without further ado, here's our conversation. Hello, RaceMob family. You are in for fantastic treat today.

Bertrand Newson: [00:01:47]

The one, the only Nando Gonzalez, we blame Nando for lot. One, he's an avid trail enthusiast. Who's introduced the love of trail running to so many people in jumpstart at their running journey. He served our military well in the United States Marines. A father, a husband, a man of the community, always paying it forward with his beautiful pup race.
Welcome Nando.

Nando Gonzales: [00:02:12]

Thank you. Pleasure to be around guys.

Kevin Chang: [00:02:14]

Yeah, definitely. One of those names we had on our list from the very, very start we said, yeah, we got to get Nando on the podcast. And how app that is right now at the Taji 100. We've got you on a veteran who has served our military, who has introduced Taji to, I think, a number of people and, the group, and works really hard behind the scenes to make that whole event live and to happen.
So thank you for jumping on the podcast with us. We can't wait to tell your story and help inspire the next generation of athletes. Let's get right into where you grew up. Where did you grow up? What was your introduction into running?

Nando Gonzales: [00:02:51]

Born and raised here in San Jose, California maybe went from, you know, the East side to the North side and South side and bounced around, but always here in San Jose.
Never moved out from there.
But as for running, never liked it never liked it. Didn't care for it. One of those things that you just avoid, you want to go for a run like, nah, I'm good. Thanks for now. Jumped into it. Probably. 2009. I think it was when I finally got into it, you know, outside of, out of the military for awhile, started packing on the lbs a little bit.
And, uh, my brother had challenged me to run the sounds like rock and roll, you know, send me a text or called, I don't remember which one it was. And he was just like, Hey, if you want to do it, I'll pay for it. So I did a quick Google search was like a hundred bucks at that point. So I tried to call his bluff and I was like, yeah, sure.
Sign me up. And then like, you know, 20 minutes later, he's like, all right, you're in here we go. Uh, I had about two months to train, to go online, try to find a little, uh, run plan, you know, literally from couch to half in two months and such to a T followed everything, you know, the rest days, the run days, you know, the cross training days, I probably lost, I want to say a good 30 pounds in those two months.
And then ran rock and roll and to was respectful time finished about 2:02. Uh, for my very first half marathon ever. Great man. And that, that was my introduction. But at that point, unfortunately, the mission was to run the rock and roll. So I ran it and then stopped running. After that, everything started to snowball.
Again, he started putting the Val bees back on again. Um, so then the following year I decided, okay, well this worked last year. Let's do it again this year. But instead of two months, I get myself an extra month in there. And then ran it, beat the time by another six minutes probably lost another 20 plus pounds again.
And at that point is when it stuck with me, like, Hey, I got to keep running. If I want to keep the weight off it work last year at work this year, that's, what's working for me. Let's just stick to running. So I've been running since then.

Kevin Chang: [00:04:39]

Incredible. I mean, a two month training plan to be able to run a half marathon.
What was your fitness like before then? I mean, you had some lbs on if you're able to lose 30 pounds in two months. Give us a sense of where you were at physically.

Nando Gonzales: [00:04:52]

I was over 200, definitely over 200 pounds. But again, at that point I was out of the Marines, nothing really keeping me active, you know, enjoying life, drinking, eating a lot.
And it just slowly started gaining from there, you know? I did a lot of kickboxing off and on from high school up till probably 30 plus. But even with that level of intense workout, but the pounds weren't falling off, you know, it was nothing like what running did for me running the actual driving force behind all the weight coming off.
So again, it was like, all right, well, I've tried that didn't work. Let me just stick to running because clearly it's working. Proof is in the pudding.

Bertrand Newson: [00:05:27]

How about in the military Nando? How was running? I mean, I'm sure you know, through PT, um, did you, did you find it mentally or just embrace, embrace the suck? How was that experience?

Nando Gonzales: [00:05:37]

The actual PT that the running behind it. I mean, we're doing three miles tops, you know, compared to what we're doing now, three miles, isn't enough, you know, maybe looking about half hour run, if that. The hikes of course were longer. You're looking 10, 15, maybe a 20 mile there, but that's just slow run with the pack behind you.
So the running wasn't enough either, you know, hit the gym every now and then you're bored clinically at the gym, but that was it. I mean, it was nothing super intense. I wasn't that jacked guy who hit the weights all crazy in the military. No, not at all.

Kevin Chang: [00:06:04]

Any tips for avoiding injury, if you only have a two month training time, that seems a little bit crazy for a lot of people, but.
Did you find something within the training plan that you were working with, that worked for you or any tips or thoughts on that

Nando Gonzales: [00:06:18]

good shoes? Absolutely. You know, early on, just like anybody else who wants to just go for a quick run. I mean, you're running a converse vans, whatever you can find, you know, and you just go out there and run.
But no, I think at that point went and got fitted at a real running shop where you don't get to choose your shoes, they kind of choose them for you, which I thought was odd, but it was good, you know? Cause I'm basing everything on looks, you know, all of these look cool. I wanna run in those. Where you go to a real run store, you know, they're going to check your foot strike and everything else and kind of recommend shoes.
So I had a good pair of running shoes, and I think that's really what helped as well, you know, is having proper shoes on your feet and your feet can take the most damage taking the most impact. So having a good pair of running shoes, I think is what kept me upright for most of the training.

Bertrand Newson: [00:06:56]

And then to also what I heard in there, when you originally talking about that two month training plan is that you stuck to it.
You stuck to the workouts, you did the cross training and you stuck to the rest dates, which some people, when there's a time crunch, they tend to do a little extra and sometimes a little extra can be the basis for injury. So being able to balance and trust the training, but also emphasize the importance of rest days.

Nando Gonzales: [00:07:20]

Yeah. I mean, it was booked in the training. So obviously it's there for a reason, this guy who posted it knew what he was doing, obviously more than I did. So if you're telling me I got a risk these days, I'm going to rest those days, you know? And at that point, getting running was hard. So I look forward to those rest days.

Kevin Chang: [00:07:34]

And as you mentioned, the cross training days, I think so many people look at a running calendar, running training program. They see Oh, cross training and they just, you know, make it a throwaway day and they're like, Oh, I'm not running. I'll just treat it as a rest day. Those cross training days, building up that core the strength overall, I think that actually does help improve your ability to not get injured in those cases. .
Losing 30 pounds in two months, that is a lot of weights to have come off. Where you changing your diet during that timeframe

Nando Gonzales: [00:08:02]

Nothing major that year? You know, I, I tried to watch what I ate, but it wasn't like a major overhaul where, okay, I'm cutting all of this out.
I'm calling out, you know, I'm never drinking for the next two months, nothing like that. I try to watch it. And what I ate, but it wasn't a major diet that I stuck to. It was literally just getting those miles in and then slowly falling off.

Kevin Chang: [00:08:20]

You know, oftentimes we see with our athletes, what we call the minimum effective dose, which means that, you know, when you're starting to get into fitness or you're starting to get into workout, just a little bit of exercise.
You'll see a lot of benefit right off the bat and kind of immediately. So I guess it's no surprise that you were able to lose weights relatively quickly getting right into it. And it probably also sometimes plays a role into like, just being a little bit more mindful of what you eat, because you're like, Oh man, I was out there for an hour running and do I really want to wolf down a huge burger or a bunch of fries or something like that when you put in all of that work.

Nando Gonzales: [00:08:59]

The answer is yes, you really want to put all the bad stuff, but you, you know, you realize I've got on a fool. What? I just did myself, but no mentally a hundred percent. Where does that double quarter pounder at? Where's the double double I'm starving. You know, I've been out here for the last hour, sweating my butt off, but no, you tend to make wiser choices as you're you want the good stuff as well.

Kevin Chang: [00:09:22]

Talk to us, I guess, about the second year. You said that you did another three months, you led right back into San Jose rock and roll again and that experience. When did you guys find each other? When did you guys meet up with each other? What's the story behind that?

Nando Gonzales: [00:09:36]

It was, I believe after the second year, or maybe even going into the third year, I had heard of Taji 100 through another Marine. It turned me on to it, you know, Hey, this is for veterans, check it out. You know, I know you're getting into running now, look into it. So signed up. And that was, I think, 2013, I believe in my first year that came in when that's a whole nother story, barely made on 28th day, the 11th hour.
But the tail end of that year, There's a sounds, a double road race. Um, they used to get put on all the time and I received an email from a gentleman by the name of Bertrand asking me to join their team. And it was good, craziest thing ever. I felt like I was being recruited to a team. You know, like someone actually was reaching out to me, asking me to join their team.
So, of course I replied like, yes, I man showed up to double road race, started looking around, seeing tall black guy. Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where, uh, Bertrand is at? He was like, ah, that's me call me.
All right. And then just, you know, from that point on, it was, it was a match made in heaven. The motivation that he brought kept me going while beyond that run, you know, stayed in touch with the team found at that point, it was, think it was team Taji when I wasn't too legit, quite yet on the Facebook page.
And then just being engaged in Facebook page, you know, constantly seeing people active and promoting and cheering each other on, we just grew closer and closer from that point. So I wanna say it was probably about 2013 range.

Kevin Chang: [00:10:51]

You're correct. Right around the time. Yeah, I I've met Bertrand so, I mean, that is incredible great year.

Bertrand Newson: [00:10:58]


Kevin Chang: [00:10:59]

connections. I mean, you never know when that person next to you at the starting line or, that person that you meet briefly is going to be one of your closest friends. So, , that is. Incredible to look back on and reflect on these like small moments and what they mean for us.

Bertrand Newson: [00:11:15]

Kevin you've heard of Nando is what you've heard me say. If I said it once I've said it a thousand times, that's the wonderful thing about the running community. And for me, it's given me some of my closest friends. I mean, it really has just the common love of getting outdoors and moving forward and great things can happen physically.
And socially, both of you are two of my closest friends. And in Nando's case, I mean, he is one of the pillars of the, one of San Jose's in the South days, largest running clubs, you know, to a fitness, he's a advisory member. He's also a board member as we talk more on Taji 100. So his impact is profound and his ability to inspire and lead by example.
Um, this dude is a bad ass. Yes. I said that everybody, um, and we'll get into some of his Herculean journeys here shortly, but, um, yeah. Good stuff.

Kevin Chang: [00:12:03]

Talk to us about Taji. Did you introduce it to Bertrand? Is that how that went or did you guys kind of learn about it?

Nando Gonzales: [00:12:10]

No, it was the other way around your Bertrand was already part of it.
Like I said, gentleman, by the name of Marco had told me about it. Cause I was in the Marines with him. I was connected to him through Facebook. So he just kind of gave me the link, told me about, Hey, check it out. You know, it's for veterans, it's a hundred miles in February, which. Seemed like a huge feat at the time.
And it still is, but just knowing everything that was behind it and what they were about, drove me to it and, you know, made me challenge myself and go for it that first year. And I believe this year going on my ninth year now, consecutively

Kevin Chang: [00:12:39]

As a veteran, can you reflect on what the first experience meant to you, what that Taji experience has meant to you?

Nando Gonzales: [00:12:45]

It was just what the organization stood for giving back to the veterans. And at that point, uh, they were partnered with the wounded warrior project, which I had heard of, and I knew they did good things as well.
So I signed up and I believe I got a couple of people to sign up that year. But every year after that, I constantly reached, you know, a wider and wider net, you know, casting out, trying to get more and more people in. And they also gravitated to it because they got referred to it by me, who they know was in the military. So it just that's what brought them in as well.
And then I knew it was gonna be a struggle. I knew it was gonna be hard, but that's kind of the mindset you have going into it is. To challenge yourself and then being in the military, you kind of get used to those, you know, those, those mental roadblocks and having to overcome challenges and, you know, getting over it.
So that kind of drew me to it and went forward. And from that point, you know, I was still in contact with Bertrand, you know, and I'd give them ideas and tips and things that I've thought about, Hey, what if we tweak this or change the wording on this? And that's what that kind of. Transition and to being part of the board came in, you know, cause I was constantly, you know, giving my feedback, not nitpicking or anything, but just like, Hey, let's try this.
Let's word it this way. What do you think about this? And it, you know, he'd reached back out like, Hey, we're thinking of this local type of deal. What tweaks would you make? And I would just constantly give the input. I felt gravitate to the event, you know, I wasn't quote unquote part of it on the back end, but I love the event so much.
I went to contribute as much as I could on the back end to make it better and better every year as well. Even though at that point I was just a participant.

Bertrand Newson: [00:14:05]

And look at, Taji now sold out for 2021, coming off a year, we gave nearly $75,000 to team. RWB our parent charity organization. We're going to top that.
And a lot of that has to do with your support, your vision, your energy, and being a voice for other participants as well.

Kevin Chang: [00:14:21]

Have you met others? During the Taji journey. And like what types of stories do you have from those experiences?

Nando Gonzales: [00:14:27]

I've met anybody that I didn't already know. You know, a lot of the big group comes from the fitness family who I've known from that point.
And then also the people that I've recruited from it. So I wouldn't be able to say that I've met somebody brand new that I didn't already know kind of going into it, but it was a great sense of community. Knowing that you got to go out and get some miles in and someone random is going to see your shirt and kind of just be like, Hey, you're doing it too.
Or, you know, or ask you about it, you know, Hey, what's that shirt, you know, when we go out and do these run local events, you know, we'll, we'll come deep. Well, everybody's gonna wear their Taji shirts, especially if it's coming February and everybody you're running by is asking like, who are you guys with the same shirts on, what is this event?
What is it, you know, can you tell me more about it? So again, that adds to the community as well.

Kevin Chang: [00:15:06]

How about transformational stories? From people that you did know, people that you brought in, any of them stick out

Nando Gonzales: [00:15:13]

A handful of them. I wouldn't say that I brought in on my own, you know, one right off the bat that comes to mind.
Judge Dora, huge transformation, you know, amazing, you know, before and after photos of her just getting out there, getting after it. There was one of your, my dad did it. That was great. You know, get getting my parents involved. My mom did it as well, and they kind of had a little rivalry against each other.
See, who's going to log the most miles, which is great. And apparently this year I got another cousin of mine. Who's getting into his weight loss journey as well. And I told him it's addicting. You know, it's a great event. And it's weird how much you look forward to it. I mean, you almost start feeding and trying to find hours of the day and checking your schedule.
I don't know. I can get another walk-in at this point. I can get a run at this point, found asleep. I could probably get one late night and it just snowballs and just constantly looking for that free time to go out and get some more miles in. So right now, yeah, my, my cousin out in Gillware right. And I was really getting it done. So I was super proud of him.

Bertrand Newson: [00:16:03]

Nando why dont you elaborate a little bit more about your cousin and who you put him in contact with as a fitness mentor recently?

Nando Gonzales: [00:16:09]

Oh, absolutely. He had reached out to me and we kind of started talking about his journey. And first and foremost, the podcast, you know, said, Hey, if you're going out for a walk and you listen to podcasts, here's a great one to listen to.
And it was the one that you guys did with Coach Jake. Um, and he reached out to Coach Jake directly, you know, and they'd been in contact and working with them each other, and definitely keeping him motivated. You know, Jake knows an amazing guy. He has great story is on his own. So they kind of resonated that way and you know, and built a nice little bond between them.
I think things are looking great. I'm super happy for them.

Kevin Chang: [00:16:38]

Talk to us about your love for trails Bertrand has mentioned that you brought this love for trails into their group. Where did it come from? Where to respond from?

Nando Gonzales: [00:16:48]

That started several years ago, a cousin of mine was going into the army at the point at that time. And his recruiter was out there getting him workouts in and they went to a place called Quicksilver. And at that point in time, I lived over in the Evergreen area and I was constantly just running the streets and, you know, I want to get some miles in before he left off to his boot camp.
So he invited me to silver, you know, told me to come run with him. And there was little five mile loop that I'm sure everybody's probably familiar with. And he had his time, which was his PR time. And it was my first time running trails. And I told him like, Hey, we're going to beat that by five minutes today and you can laughed it off.
Um, but sure enough, we, I pushed him off and we beat it by five minutes and it was amazing. And it was just, it was a different running experience. You know, you're not just doing that same repetitive motion you're using, you know, your core muscles and, you know, stability. You're going up, you're going down, you know, you're turning sideways.
It's just, it's a different running form, which at which I really liked. And then, you know, you don't have to worry about stoplights. Dogs coming after you or cars or anything. I ran into an occasional mountain lion, but aside from that, you know, it's, it's its own experience. It's great. You know, and then it just kind of snowball from there.
It got to one point where I want to say every weekend in an entire year I was out of Quicksilver. And I would just put the invite out. Okay. Who wants to come out? Who wants to come out? And we've gotten all the way up to about 15, 20 people at one point out there running that same five mile loop, you know, all different fitness levels.
So the slower ones, Hey, go ahead and get ahead. Start the faster ones. You can go ahead a little bit as we can. All kinds of finish around the same time, get our, our finished photo together, but it was just great. And everybody had turned on to it just started falling in love with it as well.
You know, it's so different than running your normal streets day-to-day. Being out there with nature, whether you're hearing animals, seeing animals. We get out there in the dark, which changes your whole perspective on everything. You know, now your, all of your sensories are on a high alert, you know? Cause you can't see anything, you just have your headlamp, any rustle, the bushes like, Oh, what's that over there, you know, and try and shine your light on it. And you're just so much more alert.
It's the same trail you normally run, but now it's heightened so much more running in the dark, you know, getting started at five, five 30 in the morning. I love the trails. It was just amazing. So as many people that I can turn onto it, I would turn them onto it. And. And it's a different workout.
I would have people that I would run with and you know, they're doing eight miles a day. Sweet, come run the trails with me and three, four miles in that's it they're gassed. Now you re working with elevation, now you re climbing up hills. It's not that same flatness that you're used to it. You start to realize, Hey, this is actually a better workout for me than running flat.
So, it makes you a better runner, a stronger runner. And then when it comes time to run flat line, it almost feels like you're running downhill because you don't have no elevation to work with everything that the trails do for you is just so awesome. So, you know, anybody that can turn onto it and bring them out there on the trails, I would bring them out to the trails with me.

Kevin Chang: [00:19:26]

Well, what are your favorite trails? You mentioned Quicksilver. Do you ever drive out to other trails? What are some that you would recommend here in the Bay area?

Nando Gonzales: [00:19:34]

I just stay local. Quick's over there's the front side, which is the McCabe entrance to me. That's the medium side. And you go to the backside over Hacienda side.
That's a whole lot harder. So if you want to up the intensity, you start over on that side and then Allan rock park. I love Ellen rock park, whether it's, you know, the car will loo you know, you've got the North rim in the South rim. And if you want us to do a quick, short one, you go up to Eagle rock and back.
But it's usually between those two. I don't really venture out into other ones, because again, if you don't know where you're running, you easily get lost out in the trails. Uh, but no Quicksilver I've, I've spent a lot of time out there, run from entrance to entrance from one side all the way down the side and back.
At this point, I don't know a lot of those trails, like the back of my hand, you know, I can see somebody posts a map that they ran. I know exactly where they wit and where they turn and how they came back. And, but Quicksilver is definitely a that's home court for me, you know? So once I found out they're doing a 50 K they're like, sure, I've ran all these trails before.
Now I'm just kind of linking all the different pieces I've done together into one big event. So, absolutely I was, I was all over that one.

Bertrand Newson: [00:20:33]

How did you go from speaking of linking races together, your very first ties to 100 where you said it was, you know, at the last hour and you got just to a hundred miles in 28 days to running 100 miles in just over 24 hours.

Kevin Chang: [00:20:50] What?
Nando Gonzales: [00:20:53]

Every year I tried to up the Taji 100, you know, I started, like I said, very first time barely made it, you know, last hour, the last day. The following year, I tried to do a little faster. It'll probably like three weeks. Got it. Down to two weeks. I think the fastest I did was probably in six days and that was with a one day rest in there,
so it was five running days, but six days overall, I finished on the sixth. So just, you know, constant, just trying to push myself. Okay. How much faster can I do it? And how much longer can I run on my 35th birthday is when I first had my first dose of ultra running. I had a friend look again, also in the Marines.
One who had went out and ran. I think he also probably did right around that 35 mile marker and had the idea of, Hey, 35 for 35. So I decided, okay, this year I'm gonna do it. And I'm turning 35. Let's run 35 miles. And mind you, I hadn't run any more than a half marathon. That rock and roll was. Was my pinnacle, as long as I've gone.
So rock and roll is in October. My birthday's in February. So I literally had, I don't know, what's that November, December, January, three months to go from 13 miles to 35 miles and just kind of train for it, kind of got my body in a nice rhythm where I knew at this pace. I can go on forever, you know, because the faster you run, the faster you're going to die out, you know?
So I found a nice, comfortable pace where I felt like, okay, at this pace, I can go long. So when I mapped it out, I figured, okay, now, where am I going to get the 35 from? You know, I don't want to do a loop. How am I going to, whether it be support? What if I need help out there?
So I went out and drove from Gilroy. I believe it was from Gilroy high, all the way to downtown San Jose. And it left me short. So I want to finish at Jack's bar so I can have a drink. It left me short, probably about three miles. And that was perfect because then everybody was going to meet me at the finish line, can do a three mile loop with me instead of being doing the full day.
You know, and these are people, whether it be family, friends who want to get out and get some miles in, but no, they're not gonna be able to do the full thing. So started zero dark 30, had a couple of friends out there with me. I had family members kind of do the eight stations, every 10 miles. They would stop pop the trunk and have, you know, food beverages and everything else we may need to kind of rehydrate finish right around Jack's bar.
Like I said, had another, another big group join us and just try it around. The neighborhood came looped back around and finished up with 35 miles. And the goal was a 10 minute pace like that was at that point in my running career. If you would say that was my comfortable pace, where I felt like I can go forever.
And we literally finished with an overall pace of 10:01 like, wow. Nailed it perfectly to a T. Wow. It was amazing. Yeah, that was, that was my first dose of, okay, let's go big. How am I going to go big? And it was at 35 miler. So the following year I was like, okay, how am I going to top that I want more, 35 was great. How am I going to top that?
So there's an event called the relay, the golden gate relay, which goes from Calistoga, California, all the way down to Santa Cruz. And that's 199 mile relay run. And generally it's done with 12 people, which is good, but again, not good enough for me, like I wanted to do more. So I reached out to the race organization and asked them, like, I know it's supposed to be 12.
Can we do it with six? They got back to me. They're like, sure. You know, if you want to do it with six. But since we're not following the quotum quote rules, we can't, we're not eligible for any trophies or medals or, you know, anything else, race specific, but he's like, if you want to do it, go out and I'm perfectly fine with that.
Again, reach out to about five friends, kind of worked out the logistics. Okay, who's doing what leg? Which van are you going to be in? And we ran. 199 miles from Calistoga over to Santa Cruz. But again, I wanted more, so I made sure that my leg was a little bit longer than everybody else's. I wanted to push myself.
And I think that when I ended up doing, I think it was 41 miles total in the span of, I think I was like maybe 24 hours. So I was 41 miles, like great. I stretch it now. What's next, you know, and that, that's that constant question. Okay. What's next? How am I going to top this? And then finally it dawned on me.
All right. I guess, I guess the next logical thing is going to be a hundred miles, which is not lot, logical by any stretch of imagination.
You dont go from 41 to 100 but... But at that point,

Kevin Chang: [00:24:39] What kind of math is that?
Bertrand Newson: [00:24:40]

Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Rest days! You followed the plan so well, the rest days,

Nando Gonzales: [00:24:49]

Not logical at all. But in my way of thinking it was okay, how am I going to get to that next level? So it was a a hundred mile run that I kind of started putting my eyes on and just like in before, like, okay, if I can find that comfortable pace where I can run forever, let's give it a shot and found the event here, local San Martine, the rendezvous.
And it's, it's a two mile loop that you gotta run 50 times, but I figured that'd be perfect because I don't have to carry anything with me. I don't have to carry a pack. I don't have to carry food. Cause I'm literally no more than. One loop away from my quote unquote aid station. It's a two mile loop. So if I do got to pull the plug and walk back to the car again, no more than one mile out to one mile back in wherever I'm actually doing, I don't wanna say a real event, but you know, your traditional a hundred miler and I'm tapping out.
Yeah. I may have to walk 20 miles back to somewhere. So I figured, okay, this would be a great way to test myself, but do it smartly where I'm not out in the middle of nowhere. I don't have a support. Crew with me. So put it out there to the team, let them know, you know, I'm gonna have a couple of training runs in there.
Obviously Coach Jake. He said he was gonna do it with me and they kept prolonging the, start, the sign up the registration. And then they finally opened it up. I ran into Jake and he said, Hey, I'm signing up this week. And again, try to call his bluff. All right. You sign up. I'll sign out right behind you.
And sure enough, he signed up and there, I guess I'll sign up too. So we were both in, and at that point it was like, Hey, time on feet, time on feet. Like, I just want to finish the run. It's not about trying to set a PR or anything. I had nothing to go for it just to be able to say I did a hundred miles. So I went and did a six hour run, you know, picked up Jake in the morning.
Hey, let's go out to this run. The course let's get familiar with the course. Here's what we're going to be. We went out early and ran for six hours and it wasn't, you know, how far are we going to run for six hours? How fast we're gonna run those six hours. It was let's just time on feed six hours. So we get that train.
You're running in a few weeks later, we figured, okay, well, let's double that let's get a 12 mile or 12 hour in there. So same thing. He picked him up. We probably got out there, you know, in that five, six o'clock range in the morning. And again, you know, you had dry his chest, you had your water, your Gatorade.
We had plenty of food and it was, let's just. Time on feet, 12 hours, regardless of how many miles are getting in. Let's just time on feet just to get the body acclimated, you know, the pounding of the pavement and the monotony of running around a two mile loop over and over and over. Um, so we did it. I think I ended up with maybe 55 miles that day and it was hot.
I think we're in triple digits. Cause the events and August. The hottest month of the year for us. So being able to get out there and get that 12 mile there under the belt, again, don't follow anything I say, but I feel okay if I can do 12 hours, I can do 24 hours, which again, doesn't make sense,

Kevin Chang: [00:27:24]

But you probably also felt like I don't want to do 75 miles. I don't want to do it, you know?

Nando Gonzales: [00:27:30]

Yeah. Like this is good for. Um, so yeah, a few weeks later it was the rendezvous a hundred miler. I had a signup sheet for the team, you know, cause they said the second half, you know, your back 50, you can have patients out there with you and I didn't quote, unquote, need a pacer because I knew I was going at my own pace, but I wanted that company, you know, cause you're gonna get lonely out there.
It's three o'clock in the morning, you know, you're running at midnight. So I had a sign up sheet, you know, everybody kind of put their names in there, whether it be a half hour time slot, a two hour time slot and you know, just. Everybody kind of cycled in from the team kept me motivated, took my mind off of running in circles for, you know, 29 hours.
I think I slept overall four minutes on a park bench and just kept going, you know, at that, towards the end, probably the most blisters I've ever had on my feet at one point knees were aching, but at no point. Well, they're not going to finish. It was what condition am I going to be in when I finish, you know, am I hobbling?
Am I crawling? How long is it gonna take me? But it was never okay. I'm probably not going to finish it. It's like the mindset was always there even leading into it. I knew I was going to finish. It just didn't know which condition I would be when I crossed that finish line. Those about 29 hours total.

Bertrand Newson: [00:28:36]

And it was great with your family out there, you know? Your wife or daughter, um, you know, brothers pops out there, you know, shoulder to shoulder, it's a great showing of community and all inspired by you. Or, you know, you took a challenge.
You jumped up huge in mileage and you know, it was a good example for a lot of people. You put your mind to something and get outside of your comfort zone and just put one foot in front of the other and how that metaphor plays out in life.
In so many areas, you know, you're going to have adversity and have challenges. But your ability just to navigate, you know, stay the course and, uh, eventually we'll get to that virtual or real life finish line.

Kevin Chang: [00:29:12]

If you like our podcast and sign up for our newsletter, where we give you weekly tips on how to run your best race and have fun in the process, just go to RaceMob dot com and sign up today.
Can you talk to us about how you approached it from a mindset or how your mindset changed throughout the race?
I'm just like trying to picture this brace in my mind. It's two mile loop, like move one loop to loop three, and then like, You know, like at some point probably like loop 10 or 20, you're like, Oh my God, this is going to go on forever. Right? Like walk us through how you approached it, how your mindset might have changed throughout the race.
Like at what point were you doubting yourself or were you not doubting yourself?

Nando Gonzales: [00:29:57]

There was never any self doubt. Again, I don't want to sound like I'm hyping myself up or anything, but the mindset was there. Like I literally was. Focused and headstrong, and I knew it was going to happen because I didn't know how, but I knew it was going to happen so early on, just try not to focus on how many loops you have left, because there's a little box on the side as he come that start finish line, it kind of shows you which lab and how long that lap took you.
And so early on it just, you know, put the blinders on, just stick to the road, stick to the course. Uh, there's a small little incline on there. Which I made the mental note of I'm going to walk the same client. Cause I remember from my six hours in a 12 hour journey that, that little incline and mind you very small, no more than about a hundred feet inclined, but after 30, 40 miles into it, I mean, I felt like I was climbing Mount Everest on that side, little incline.
So going into the a hundred miler, I said, okay, I'm going to walk this incline every single time. You know? So that was my chance to walk, hydrate, you know, chop it up with whatever may have been on that loop with me. So just blinders on, don't pay attention to how many laps you have left. Cause it. Hugely.
If you think about it. Oh my God. I got 50 laps to go get one lap down. Okay, great. Now I've got 49 left. So just try to tune that out. And before I knew it, you know, nightfall sort would come and then once a night comes, everything's black, everything looks the same. You're not again, trying to pay attention to how many miles you have left.
You know, occasionally I'd glance over. I had done a couple of 50 Ks before, so at least that's how I would break it down. Okay. I got another 50 K left. I have two 50 Ks left and try to think of it that way. But there was really a, a several hour period that I don't remember at all. I just completely tuned everything out.
I don't remember who was walking with me at the time. I there's a lot that I don't remember. Um, and when I was recapping and kind of given my, thank you to everybody, I almost felt bad. Like, I, I didn't remember them walking with me, but it was just, I don't know if you wanna call it in his own or going delirious.
Or pardon the pun going loopy and then kind of snapped back out of it with a sunrise. Sunrise came and I was like, all right, we're coming up on 24 hours game time. What do I have left? How many miles is it? Great. I got about a marathon left. I can do it on tired feet. Like, let's go and calling in the reinforcement.
It's okay. Can you come get a mile? Then you come get them all. And who was going to come get a couple of laps in with me? And again, just having the different people out there, just help break everything up, you know? So then I can run with this guy and talk to them and talk to this person through the night.
Coach "B" Earl hooks, chewy. Sally Sullivan. Might've been out there with there. I just know that it was, it was comedy nonstop, laughing shoe, lighter pants, and just everything is just nonstop. So again, anything to break the binder. There was a point in time where they left me behind. I'm like, Oh, you guys are here to run with me and go to your own pace.
What do I mean.

Bertrand Newson: [00:32:42]

My bad.

Nando Gonzales: [00:32:44]

It was great. It was a journey. But I went from, you know, try to ignore everything to not even knowing anything to now, you know, almost a second wind, you know, being back alert, like, okay, let's finish this thing up.

Kevin Chang: [00:32:56]

I assume you ran a bit of it with Jake. Did he end up entering as well? And did you guys end up seeing each other finishing near each other?

Nando Gonzales: [00:33:04]

Yeah, no, Jake did phenomena. We both did it. Jake finished in a faster time than me. I think, you know, I had so many people that are at arrest aid station. My wife was there, my kids were there or my kid, excuse me. So every loop I felt I was obligated to stop talk to them.
You know, I felt rude to just run by them. You came out to see me and I'm just gonna run by you and go do my next loop. So that I think started to start chipping away at the time, every five minutes. Adds up, you know, 10 loops in five minutes, each loop, well, there's an hour already on top of that. So looking back, how would I ever do it again?
I'd probably try to minimize the stops to bring my time down, you know, but Jake was just, he was a mad man, just man on a mission, you know, I'd see him every now and then clean it. It's only a two mile loop, so you're never that far away from each other, but now he did amazing. And I, and I got to see him out there to get a couple miles in with him. So that was cool.

Kevin Chang: [00:33:49]

Talk to us a little bit about. When did your mindset shift around running in general? Like you've mentioned the first year, it was all about goal. It was all about that half marathon. It was all about reaching that goal. Maybe even the second year it was something similar. Like I'm going to reach this goal.
I'm running for a purpose. I'm running to hit something at some point. I'm assuming that the mind shift changed where you enjoyed running, that you enjoyed your time out there. That it wasn't so much just about hitting goals, but it was more about. Getting some time to go out and running. When do you think that happened ?

Nando Gonzales: [00:34:23]

Later on when I started running with people. I'm very honest with myself. I will flake on myself every single time. If I'm not meeting somebody out there, I will have great intentions. I'll set the alarm, I'll get the clothes out, I'll get the shoes out, I'll lay everything out. And then I just won't go. Like, I'll, I'll get this news button and I go back to sleep and I will flake on myself, you know, every day of the week.
But once you start building that community and your accountability buddies, whether it be Coach "B", Becky throughout the years, I had different ones as well. That's what kept me, kept me going, kept me motivated. And like I said, once I seen that weight loss come off, I knew that running is important.
Ryan's good for your health. It's going to keep you in shape or at least get you in shape or get you going. So I knew at that point that yes, just reach out to somebody, have them hold me accountable. I hold them accountable, work together as a team. And it made running a lot more enjoyable. You know, I'm not out there, there alone trying to entertain myself, listening to music.
You're actually having a personal conversation catching up on the week, talking about whether it be sports and the time just flies by, you know, before you know it, five hours is done. You got your mile, you're running in for the day, half the day goes by and you almost forgot that you ran that morning because we're running so early in the morning.
That's where everything changed. It has been able to run with people in that sense of community and, and hold each other accountable. I really like that. And that's what's best currently was keeping me going as well. You know, if it wasn't for my accountability buddies, I would have zero miles

Bertrand Newson: [00:35:44]

And Nando, you've paid it forward as much as you know, enjoying, running with people. You've also been a pacer. Maybe share some of your event pacing. Remember at one point there were actual live events, right?
And you bring flavor and character to those events as well. I mean, you know, I've had several people who've commented that, you know, they really enjoyed pacing with you for various reasons.
Why don't you just share your experience and how you approach that, knowing the psyche of a runner, maybe new to running, or maybe chasing a new distance or maybe chasing a PRN, being a part of some of those efforts.

Nando Gonzales: [00:36:16]

Pacing is challenging. It is absolutely challenging because you're basically... people are counting on you to get to the there's like a certain time.
Uh, that that's challenge number one. Challenge number two is, okay. Which approach am I going to take? You know, am I going to stay steady Eddie so we get to the finish line and we never deviate from X pace? Or are you going to run slightly faster than your intended pace? So you can walk through the aid stations and build those walks into it, you know, or slow down for the incline, you know, like, so there's a lot of strategy that goes into it.
My very first pacing gig, uh, wasn't San Jose and I drew the time slot of two hours and 45 minutes. That's a long time to be out there for a half marathon, but all right, like let's do it, you know, got the pack on, always run with music and I'm out there just doing my thing. And for the most part, I was by myself for we'll call it maybe 75% of it.
And then you finally either catch somebody or somebody falls back to you or somebody catches you the other way around. And then that conversation starts with like, Hey, two 45. You know, I've never made it in two 45 before. I've only done it, you know, in 2:50, 3 hours. So then the was conversation starts, you know, Hey, stick with me. I will get to the finish line. If you need a walk, we'll walk, we'll build back up into it. And that person's counting on you.
You know, your job again, as a pacer is to finish within X time. I mean, it's literally one, one minute, okay, behind you need to be on a spot on as possible. So we took it over to the end coming around that last corner.
I told him like, this is it like, is it the last quarter I need the course. And I said, just go, like, don't worry about me. I need you to go. And like, you're gonna come with me. I'm like, no, I can't like, I gotta stay on my pace. You know, as much as I, or run with you to the finish line and cross that finish line.
No, I, I, this is you. You're going to get your PR turn this corner and just go let loose. You got about a hundred yards left, just turn it and go. And they took off. They finished. I got to the end again. Just doing my job to ours and there, they were waiting for me, gave me a hug, told me how much it means to them to encourage them, to get to them that PR something they never thought they would do before.
And that was just such a rewarding feeling, knowing that I've got somebody there. And in my mind, that's the only person I knew because I will strive by stride with that person. But then as you turn around the corral, you have somebody else reaching out to you, you know, and talk to you.
But I was right behind you. And I kept my eyes on you. And I knew I had to pace with you. So there's the people that you do help directly. Then there's the people you have indirectly who are using you as a guide, making sure they keep their eyes on you or not letting you catch them and getting people to that finish line is awesome.
And that was, it was a smaller event doing rock and roll, being a pacer for that one Silicon Valley pacer for that one. And those are a lot bigger events, you know, now again, More pressure, more people, more pressure because they're counting on you. You know? So I think maybe I did a 2:15 pace one year and maybe 2:10 the other year.
But it's just awesome. Just building that small community, you know, everybody's sticking together. It was trying to hold on to it and things that we take for granted. Again, my first half marathon was a two Oh two. Now you want me to run a two 45? What is the astronaut? Now I want to go slow. I know people are counting it just because I've done it.
That pace. None of people have ever, maybe we've done it, that pace. So doing the 2:15 pace, you understand like these are people who've probably never done that fast before and you got to coach them and keep them energized and sticking with you to get to that finish line and getting their PR, their goal.
So it's definitely rewarding. I love it. Even though I'm not trying to set my own PR, that's fine. Put me aside. I'm glad I can get other people to reach their goals and their PR.

Bertrand Newson: [00:39:34]

That's awesome. Maybe you didn't set you, you weren't looking to chase your PRS that day, but I can certainly recall an occasion where you signed up for one race and you PRed at four different distances.
You PRed at the 5k. It the 10K, the half marathon and marathon. Who does that?

Nando Gonzales: [00:39:51]

Yeah, that was another one of those things that wasn't too smart.
So there's the rebel races, which is all our downhill races and a good buddy. Mr. Eric Sullivan was going for his. Quanta BQ for Boston. And we found one up in Portland. Hello, Portland, great beer up there figured, Hey, let's make it a family trip out of it. You take your family, I'll take my family. And you know, let's get you, this, this PR put a couple of training, runs running down Mount Hamilton and try and get used to just that downhill for so long and getting the speed going.
Now mind you, this guys a whole lot faster than I am taller skinnier and has an amazing beard. But Mike Michael, at that point was, let me just hold on for dear life. That's it like, I want to go, just put the hammer down and just go until the wheels fall off because they're going to fall off at some point, but I was there with him and I was like, Hey, I'm gonna do my best to hold your speed down.
Let's just go with it, my downhill running, you literally just pick your feet up and keep from falling. Let gravity do the work for you. And I PR to 5k time, 10 K half marathon and the full marathon as well. Just go into the wheels fall off. I mean, I don't know what my pace was upfront. I was probably in the low sixes and then, you know, I got longer as, as the course went on, but it was just...
Just go for it and barely made it barely made at the end. I couldn't wait for that thing to be over, but I know half marathon was probably not one 30 range. Wow. And again, I knew like, okay, double that that's your full marathon, but I there's no way I'm gonna maintain this space. I was just barely holding on at that point and each marker.
I felt like I'm done. Like, I hit that 5k and I'm like, all right, I'm done. Let me push again. I'd push again to that 10 K. And I'm like, Oh, am I going to make it to the half marathon or make it, I got the half marathon, same deal. Get that walk again. Like there's no way I'm going to get to the finish line on this one.
I mean, that was when I really didn't think I was going to finish. Because I was pushing so hard for each one of those markers. I barely held on to the, to the full marathon, but got there and PR to every distance along the way. Yeah.

Bertrand Newson: [00:41:50]

And huge PR on the, on the half marathon and marathon may was, you know, maybe boy at the 30 plus minutes, 30, 40 minutes. It was a huge, you know, huge PR. So your first marathon,

Nando Gonzales: [00:42:01]

It was probably yeah. Close to maybe 40, 50 minutes faster. Yeah.

Kevin Chang: [00:42:05]

Wow. That's incredible. I mean, that hurt, it hurt close-ish to Boston qualifying time. Right. I mean, if you were at 1:30 halfway point and

Nando Gonzales: [00:42:14]

If I maintain that, I will know it a tank real quick after that. Yeah. How do I maintain the half marathon pace? Absolutely. There is no way in hell. I was keeping that base going.

Kevin Chang: [00:42:25]

How about Sully? Did he qualify for Boston? No,

Nando Gonzales: [00:42:28]

I think he cramped up right towards the end. Maybe look like a couple miles later. Uh, and that was it. But then we drank our sorrows away in Portland. So I'll take it.

Kevin Chang: [00:42:37]

Ill take that

Bertrand Newson: [00:42:38]

Like you said, great beer city.

Kevin Chang: [00:42:40]

Absolutely. Well, something else that, that we have in common and in common with solely to is running with dogs. I know that you've run with a canine. Yeah. As well. So any tips for those in our audience who run with dogs, things that you've learned, maybe over the years,

Nando Gonzales: [00:42:56]

Not to push it. I made it clear from day one that I didn't want my dog to feel like I'm dragging him along. You know, like pulling him behind me, like, Hey, this is your run as well as it's mine. When you want to stop, I'll stop. You know, I'm not that guy who's going to force you into a run, but he's a Doberman, a European Doberman.
So he's a working breed and they love to run and have a quote unquote job to do, you know, and when we run his job is to tell me behind him. Um, so as little resistance to gets him feeling like he's working, makes me run faster. but I would absolutely recommend a hands-free leash.
You want your normal running form as much as possible. And holding onto a leash with one hand kind of takes you out of that rhythm takes, you know, whether he speeds up or moves around, you know, we're having, uh, a waist pack to where you can run with both hands freely just makes it so much more natural. But again, you're out there for him as much as he's out there for you.
Make it enjoyable for your dog as well. You know? No, their limits. If he's getting tired. Cool. Let's walk it out. You know, I'm not going to force you to run 10, 15 miles when, when you're not up to that level either. You know? So we started small, maybe doing two or three miles at a time and here's a running back later.
It was weird. We looked down and he's not panting as he he's running with his, I'm like, what's wrong with his dog? Does he not know how to run properly? But no, every five and five, if he's there with me accountable, he's. Another accountability buddy of mine. He hears my alarm go off before I do and walks over to the bed and plops his head around the matches, waiting for me to wake up.
And then he drives me nuts for the next half hour. As I try to get ready, he constantly just wines and wines and wines like that. And I've tried everything from throwing them outside to yelling at him, to put him in his crate. And it just like, hold on, we're gonna run out. But as soon as we're out the door, He's quiet.
He's happy. He's in his happy place. He's done. I think maybe two half marathons with me. Wow. Full of energy. So much energy. We'll do the half marathon. We come home and he grabs his ball and wants to go play fetch. Now just run a half marathon like you seriously want to play some more ball is life for him.
But it's great. I mean, anybody who can get a dog who wants to run and is those types of dogs, you know, don't get yourself a Chihuahua and try to make it a running dog, but dogs need the exercise. They, they need that mental stimulation. They need a way to get their energy out. Otherwise that's when they end up getting in trouble, you know, they trying to find a way to get their energy out.
Now they're gonna start digging, you know, we're chewing on furniture or doing something they shouldn't be doing because they gotta get the energy out. So again, this is the way for me to get his energy out, him to keep me out there running. He's clearly a whole lot faster than I am. So he, up in my pace, get my heart going a little fast and it should be at times.
Um, but he, he, he loves to run. He loves to sprint Coach "B" eczema on every now and then, cause he knows he, he wants to be up there in the front as well. I think that we've gotten a sub five minute pace. Now, mind you? Not a whole, not a whole mile. Um, but just dead sprint there's one spot. And the course that he knows that that's his block.
Like we're going to go. Balls out this block and I'm like, all right, let me hold on for dear life. And then we just bolt down the block. And I think I posted it. We're probably in that four 40 range, four 50 pace, but now it's, it's great having him. And part of the reason why we got him was to keep me running.
You'd get an animal's going to want to run. That's exactly what I went to, Ali, his dogs, what got him into running and keeps him running. I mean, his dog's gone with the 20 miles, but that would be not, I got to run 20 miles. So at this point, my dog's not running 20 miles

Bertrand Newson: [00:46:16]

And, uh, races on the Taji leaderboard as well.

Nando Gonzales: [00:46:20]

Yeah. He's got his own little K9 group there called Who Let The Dogs Out, canines only, but he's been on there, I guess .

Kevin Chang: [00:46:29]

I was telling B, I think he is the happiest participant in the Taji 100. She is just like, Oh, you had to go on another walk. Oh, another run. Oh, what is going on? So

Nando Gonzales: [00:46:38]

Yeah, you know, he's, he's loving it right now.
He's getting more runs in than he's ever gotten in any month before. So I think last year, last year he probably got the a hundred in his, well, I didn't sign him up, but this year I signed him up, gave him his own team and log in his own miles, separate from mine. Cause if we. So I take him for a walk that's his miles, not my miles, you know, so I want to make sure we kind of differentiate that.
And then there was one run that I did were supposed to rain where I left them at home because nobody likes to smell the wet dog. You know, we're not tied neck and neck, you know, I did one run with it without him, and then he's done two walks that I locked for him, not for me, but we're both over that 50 mile Mark at this point.
So. We're facing good.

Bertrand Newson: [00:47:16]

And it's so cool to watch Race, enter his own miles, you know,

Kevin Chang: [00:47:19]

What a cool name race. Oh man. Yeah. I know touchscreen has come a long ways and he's

Bertrand Newson: [00:47:29]

And great team name as well. WHo Let The Dogs Out.

Kevin Chang: [00:47:36]

Well, I know we want it to get in. It's a couple of other things. Um, so why don't we dive into them real quick. One around cycling. I mean, I think you've recently gone into cycling, give us some adventures that you've had on the bike.

Nando Gonzales: [00:47:49]

Well, the way that I, I had thought about changing it up a little again, cross training and trying to get different things in there on a buddy of mine for the Marines one, we talked about him earlier.
He had an idea of doing a hundred miler, I think was in September. Now mind you, I'd never really bike and not ride a bike, but I didn't have a bike or got into cycling or anything. So I think August is when I finally got my bike. So I had one month to go from zero to 100. Sounds familiar. Yeah. Got out there with solely.
So he had his bike already. Uh, I think my first bike ride was probably a 40 miler. Stretch it out to a 50. And then again, you know, like, Hey, I can go long at this, you know, don't push as hard. You gonna be able to go even further. And so wildfires came, so we had to push it out from September to October and then life happens.
So you can do it after all, but we figured, okay, we'll do it. And his honor, so we bike from downtown San Jose all the way out to the golden gate bridge, flipped it around, came back. That ended up being 115 miles round trip. Um, luckily no flats or anything, frozen, amazing adventure. You know, that was great.
We've gone out recently from downtown to the boardwalk. That was a fun one. Wow. It took a good spill on that one. Put me out for a couple of weeks, a lot of road rash. But now it just, it's a different thing. Again, it's a different type of workout. I liked the need for speed, which is not a good thing to have.
I constantly try to PR and see how fast I can go. Uh, current PR right now is 51 miles per hour on a downhill, on a bike. Yes. First time in 30 was scary, but now I'm at 51 and see top that, you know, how much faster can I go on this one, stretch on the downhill. So got into cycling, you know, cycling is, is now my weekend thing.
I run, you know, throughout the week. And then go cycling on the weekends. You know, I'm trying to get out early so I can get back in early, you know, so six, seven, o'clock usually the goat time, minimum 40, 50 miles. And then you know, her home still in time for breakfast.

Kevin Chang: [00:49:39]

Awesome. Well, I mean, the other thing that I want to chat with you about was. I know that you just had a birthday recently, so happy birthday Nando! I know that you guys are beer efficient Unidos. In fact, you might start up a new YouTube channels to just have beers, taste things. I'm putting you on blast. I'm going to put it here right here on the podcast. We're going to help you guys. Spin this thing up and start this thing off.
So give us some of your favorite beers and make some recommendations to our audience

Nando Gonzales: [00:50:06]

beers right now, kind of go through phases early on. Uh, it was all sours, anything sour sour-er, or if that's a real word, the better, you know, how much sour-er can I get a beer? And that was it.
Didn't didn't want anything to do with the IPAs. IPAs was just gross. It was, I mean, up the pining, this of it, it was, you know, like chewing on Christmas. Trees didn't want anything to do with it, but I mean like wine, you start to develop your taste and your palate tends to evolve and everything. So transition to the IPAs.
And right now, though, it's all about the hazeys. Nice quality murky looking beer, but a lot of flavor behind it, personal best right now is going to be. Narrative here in San Jose, fairly new brewery that opened up during the pandemic. Great beers. I mean, it's just, there's flavor behind it, you know, and that's something you don't realize when you drinking, you know, only Coronas and Modelo.
Like they all taste just the same, you know, you're not getting any fruit behind it. You know, now being able to taste craft beer, that they put a lot more fruit into it and different ingredients. I like beer.

Kevin Chang: [00:51:15]

That's definitely something that we have in common and that we haven't gone with a lot of our friends, I mean, with Jake and you guys. And so, yeah, I'm looking forward to that YouTube channel once we get that spun up, because I want to hear about the best beer around and you guys are efficient and that is for sure.

Bertrand Newson: [00:51:30]

We are, you'll be behind the scenes. You're right there with your stuff.

Kevin Chang: [00:51:34]

I'll stop in from time to time. Well, I just want to say thank you so much for stopping in for chatting with us.
Where can our audience find you? Where, where can, if they have questions they want to reach out. Where can they find you online?

Nando Gonzales: [00:51:48]

Instagram, Nando, underscore G.
And of course, a plug for my dog. It's a erase the red Doby with a period in between each word. So race period, the period red period, Bobi DOP, I E to go follow him along and all of his runs. I post a lot of his runs as well, as well as his diet. He eats all raw food. He does not eat kibble or anything. So chicken salmon, Cod raw eggs.
Grumby if you name it, you got some not yet.
Well, no, absolutely. You can follow me on there. Um, I posted. Whether it be beer running or anything else that interests me, but no, you have any questions. Shoot me a message on there. I'd be more than happy to, to work with. You gave me tips and pointers and things that were for me. Again, it might not be the best or might not be the right way, but I'll tell you what I did and if it worked for me or not.

Kevin Chang: [00:52:36]

And fantastic presence on Instagram, I know that you recently took over the run. Local Instagram page had a whole takeover. I know that you've done a lot of work with Taji behind the scenes, so fantastic. Both photography sense as well as just fun. Fun follow. So definitely if you guys are on Instagram, go follow Nando.
Ton of fun. Thank you so much for being on the podcast. Wonderful stories. I'm sure we will have you back on again, to dig into the other stories that we didn't get into, or maybe we'll have a separate sidebar conversations for those stories, not safe for podcasts ears. So thank you again, Nando. Really appreciate the time.

Nando Gonzales: [00:53:12]

No problem. Thank you guys for having me out here. Any time open book, if you want to know, just ask I don't hold back. So I appreciate you guys having me on.

Bertrand Newson: [00:53:20] Our pleasure, man. And again, thank you for your service.
Kevin Chang: [00:53:22]

That's right.

Nando Gonzales: [00:53:23]

Hey, anytime.
###### Kevin Chang: [00:53:25]
Well, I hope you enjoyed this episode of the RaceMob podcast. Check out all of the show notes or find a running buddy online at RaceMob dot com. Please subscribe to us on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your podcasts and leave us a review. Until next time, keep on moving.