
Discounted Santa Maria, California 5K Races

View some of the best 5K races in Santa Maria, California! RaceMob's race calendar allows you to find races that suits your needs. Use our advanced filters below or calendar on the right, and discover new races. We try to maintain up to date information, and rely heavily on our community of volunteers. If you find a race that we're missing, use the "Suggest Race" button on the right. Find RaceMob discounts that others have added or add deals that you've discovered.

    • 5K

    Santa Maria, CA

    3.29 miles away

    I'm Attending

    Elevate 5k & 12 Hour Race at First Baptist Church

    Please visit www.ElevateRace.com for the most up to date and detailed information.Thank you for your interest in participating in our 8th annual Elevate race! What: 5k & 12 hour racePurpose: To support our Elevate missions projectWhen: 5k star...

    • 5K

    Santa Ynez, CA

    30.9 miles away

    I'm Attending


    Description: Join two-time world champion triathlete, Siri Lindley, as she celebrates her 5th year cancer-free, officially being cured of Acute Myeloid Leukemia!  Siri and her wife, Bek Keat, created this annual run to honor life and make a ...

    • 5K

    Paso Robles, CA

    48.73 miles away

    I'm Attending

    Tooth & Nail Wine Run 5k

    Like Running or Walking?  Love Wine?  This race is for you!  Join us on Sunday, March 30, 2025 starting at 9:00am for an exciting annual event that features The Tooth & Nail House of Wine. The Tooth & Nail House of Wine vine...

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