
Popular Akron, Ohio Marathon Races

View some of the best Marathon races in Akron, Ohio! RaceMob's race calendar allows you to find races that suits your needs. Use our advanced filters below or calendar on the right, and discover new races. We try to maintain up to date information, and rely heavily on our community of volunteers. If you find a race that we're missing, use the "Suggest Race" button on the right. Find RaceMob discounts that others have added or add deals that you've discovered.

    • M

    Cleveland, OH

    29.32 miles away

    I'm Attending

    Run The Land - East vs. West

    / 4 RaceMobbers Scheduled

    Training for the Cleveland Marathon or Glass City? Feeling bored with winter and want a little challenge? Or just generally a big fan of runs that finish with a craft beer? This is a great opportunity to have a fully supported long run.  This...

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    Cleveland, OH

    30.29 miles away

    I'm Attending

    The Towpath Marathon

    The Towpath Marathon is a classic fall race that starts in Canal Basin Park on the east bank of The Flats in downtown Cleveland and continues along the Towpath Trail. The race includes a 10k, half marathon and a Boston qualifier certified marathon...

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    Canal Fulton, OH

    14.0 miles away

    I'm Attending

    The Haunted Forest Marathon

    Family Friendly / Themed event featuring a Full Marathon (26.2 miles), a Half Marathon (13.1 miles), and 5K (3.1 miles). First mile on the road / remainder of the race on hard packed crushed limestone and blacktop.  A GREAT Boston Qualifier. ...

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