
Standard 173215375 10101455457763196 8011912799545191176 n

Steph Masone

Houston, Texas

38 years old, n/a

Sasquatch Shuffle

BIB: 165

Date of Event: March 07, 2021

Location: Grapeland, TX

Distance: 20.0K

Official time: 03:06:08


Icon star Icon star Icon star Icon star Steph Masone race notes - 3/7/2021 Holy hills! And to think I signed up for four more races (Coyote Run, Wildflower x2, and Possum’s Revenge) with more elevation gain and longer distances (10k 🙌🏻, Half, 25k and 17mi) 🤪 But you don’t get better if you don’t push yourself! Gotta find some hilly areas around the house to practice because I have zero practice on any sort of incline so those decimated me today 🥵 Met a nice woman named Wendy 💛 We played leap frog for a bit then ran together for a bit... finished within a few minutes of each other. It was great to have someone to talk to and distract one’s thoughts when climbing a thousand rock stairs 😂💛 The race was two 5k loops (A and B ). The 20k did each loop twice (ABAB). Loop B was by far my favorite. It had all the rock stairs 🥵, but I found it to be the prettiest and had some fun downhill moments that had me going super fast 😂 The hill at the beginning of Loop A... that was just a beast and made me hate that loop despite the rest of it not being so bad 🤷🏻‍♀️ Great trails at Mission Tejas State Park though 💚 It was a beautiful (though challenging) course and can’t wait to return in October when I’m hopefully more prepared 💪🏼 Oh and totally forgot to start my watch until a couple minutes into the race 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1:13'57" 2:14'10" 3:12'12" 4:16'25" 5:15'48" 6:13'45" 7: 15'37" 8:15'51" 9:15'06" 10:18'00" 11:16'55" 12:16'09" 13: 17'38"


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